Chapter 20

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-Friday, March 17-

*Amelia's POV*

Today was a really relaxing day because spring break starts and so we didn't have a lot of work. But, today I have a game after school and it's like an hour away. I told mom and dad to not go since it's not an important game.

"Hey Amelia, do you know if Gio has a crush on someone?" Mia asked me.

"I've told you plenty of times that Gio likes you. Why don't you tell him?" I told her.

"What if he doesn't like me?" She asked and I chuckled. "What about you? Don't you like Jacob?" She asked me.

"Yes I do but I don't want to ruin our relationship." I told her. We soon got changed and went to the bus.

*Jacob's POV*

I was supposed to have practice today but my coach told me to take a day off to heal. So, I went Scarlett's house. Amelia was heading towards a game so she'll be back at like 7. I pulled into their driveway and knocked on their door. Scar was the one who opened it.

"Hey Jacob, come in." She told me and I walked in. "You know Amelia is currently not here? Right?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I just needed to talk to you and Chris. Mostly Chris. Not that you are important Scarlett. Because you are. Trust me. You know..." I started talking.

"Jacob, you're ranting. I'll get Chris, if you want to sit down at the couch." She told me and I sat down bouncing my leg. Rose must be doing homework if she's not playing. I suddenly heard some steps.

"Jacob, Scar told me you wanted to talk." Chris told me.

"Yeah, it's something quick." I told them. I stood up to gain confidence. "So umm..." I said scratching my head. "I was wanting to ask Amelia on a date? And I wanted to get your approval." I said looking at them. Scarlett and Chris looked at one another and then turned to me.

"Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?" Scarlett asked.

"That was my plan. If you don't want me to then I won't." I told them. "But I'm not going to stop fighting for the girl who makes me the happiest." I added.

"Jacob, you're a good guy and you coming here for approval explains it. Your parents definitely raised a gentleman. And I would want my daughter to be with a gentleman who treats her right and won't disappoint her expectations." Chris told me.

"Is that a yes?" I asked to make sure I was hearing right.

"That's a yes Jacob." Chris confirmed and I couldn't help but jump.

"Yes." I said going to give them a hug. "Thank you. Thank you really." I said.

"No problem. So when are you asking her?" Scarlett asked me.

"I was thinking today, I'm going to the store to buy a poster and then come back, if it's alright?" I told them.

"Of course. Go before it gets too late." Scarlett told me and I said goodbye before rushing to the store and getting some flowers and a poster.

*Scarlett's POV*

I can't wait to see what Jacob comes up with.

"I can't believe this." Chris said processing everything that happened.

"I know. Time goes by really fast. But he's a good kid." I told him. I went upstairs to see if Rose needed any help while Chris made dinner. We ate because Amelia was going to come late. One of her teammates offered her a ride. So she should be back by 7:30. We finished dinner and then watched tv. It was 7 when there was a knock. I opened it and saw Jacob.

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