Chapter 18

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-Sunday, March 12-

*Amelia's POV*

Jacob dropped me off at like in the 6 in the morning. We decided to film the podcast next weekend. His parents want to spend the day with him and as for Gio, he's going to visit family.

"Amelia is that you?" I heard Scar asked.

"Yeah, why you awake?" I asked her and I yawned from how tired I was.

"I'm used to waking up at this time. Anyways, I called Lizzie and she's coming at like 9 so we can go out and have some brunch" Scar explained to me. How and when did she plan this out? I'm still tired from last night, we went to sleep at around 3, so I had 3 hours of sleep.

"Perfect, wake me up when she's here." I said mumbling and walking away. "God I need a drink." I said softly.

"You better not be referring to alcohol." I heard. I didn't respond, I just went to my room and threw myself in bed. I woke up after someone took my blanket away.

"Fuck off." I said not knowing who it was thinking I was still dreaming. I felt a pillow being thrown at me. "The fuck was that for?" I questioned waking up.

"Watch your language." I heard Scar and I groaned. I then heard some laughing and realized it was from Lizzie.

"Come on, aren't you hungry?" Lizzie asked. I slowly stood up and went to my closet.

"I'm thirsty. Normally I don't do this but I need energy." I said coming out with a redbull can, a monster can, and two more energy drinks. I went to my desk and found a cup.

"Amelia this is not good for you." Scar warned me but I was already mixing in the drinks.

"Too late." I said and took a large sip of it.

"Is it safe?" Lizzie asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Alright let me change and I'll meet you outside." I told them.

"I'm taking this." Scar said picking my energy cup.

"Thanks for taking care of me." I told Scar giving her a hug, she moved the cup to the side and gave it to Lizzie so she could hug me. I pulled apart after a few seconds and took the cup and chugging it. "There you can have it." I said with more energy. They left my room and I got ready. I saw them by the door and ran to them. We took Lizzie's car and went to a quiet and private restaurant. We got seated in the back to avoid any papparazis.

"Good morning, can I get you started with any drinks?" The waiter asked us.

"Coffee please." I told him.

"No." Scar and Lizzie told me.

"Sorry, she's going to have a strawberry lemonade. And for me a coffee." Scar said and the waiter wrote it down.

"And coffee for me too." Lizzie said. He brought us our drinks and soon our food. After that, they decided to avoid papparazis and go home. It was now close to 12.

"So what now?" I asked them.

"I want to get to know you more Amelia. So how about a game of truth or dare." Lizzie suggested.

*Scarlett's POV*

I'm still surprised how Amelia is not jumping off the walls after the drink. We got home after brunch and Lizzie suggested to play truth or dare. Amelia accepted and we sat around the coffee table.

"Okay Amelia, truth or dare?" Lizzie asked her first.

"Truth." Amelia said playing it safe.

"Have you ever kissed Jacob?" Lizzie asked.

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