Chapter 15

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-Sunday March 5-

*Amelia's POV*

Today is Jacob's 17th birthday but he's in Hawaii so today is a chill day. Which reminds me I have to make a post for Jacob.

"Amelia, can you come down here?" Chris asked and I went to the kitchen.

"What's up?" I told him.

"Do you want to help me prank your mom?" Chris asked me. Well I can't miss out on this.

"Why not?" I told him and he smiled. "But..." I started and his face fell. "What do I get in return?" I questioned him.

"I'll let you eat dessert before dinner and how $75 sound?" He offered.

"Deal." I told him and we shook his hands. Scar was current in her room making a phone call and Rose was asleep since it was 7 in the morning. Chris told me his plan of hanging a balloon with water and shaving cream above Scar's door and then popping it with a nerf bullet. Wow, he's really good.

"Alright, remember you have to sound hurt." Chris told me.

"I know." I told him and he went and hid behind a wall. I decided to record this so I positioned my phone in a place where Scar can't see it. Chris told me to pretend I slipped on the stairs. I stood in front of the steps did some quiet steps and on the last 5 I stomped really loud to make sure it sounded like I fell. I then laid down in front holding my leg.

"Oww, my leg." I shouted. "Help." I added. I suddenly heard a door opening and then a balloon popping.

"Christopher." I heard Scarlett's voice and Chris's laughter.

*Scarlett's POV*

I was currently talking with Kate about the preparations for the outset. I suddenly heard something fall and then Amelia shouting.

"I'll call you back." I told Kate and hanged up. I quickly opened the door and suddenly I felt something gooey on my head. I looked and found Chris laughing.

"Christopher." I told him cleaning my eyes. Suddenly Amelia came up and started laughing.

"You got her?" She asked Chris.

"Yes I did. Thanks for the help princess." Chris told her giving her a kiss on the head.

"What is happening?" I asked confused and frustrated.

"Oh it's called payback." Chris told me. "I had to lure you out so I told Amelia to pretend she fell down the stairs so I could pop the balloon when you came out." Chris explained and I turned to Amelia.

"Hey he promised dessert before dinner and $75." Amelia said with her hands in the air. "I'll be back." She said. I turned to Chris who was still chuckling.

"I can't believe you Chris." I told him. He handed me a towel and I took it from him.

"I'm sorry." He told me and giving me a kiss. I can't be mad at him.

"About time you two get together. Also, gross." Amelia spoke and me and Chris pulled apart looking at the floor as if we got in trouble. "I brought some more towels and a mop." She told us giving Chris the towels.

"Have fun cleaning." I said and went to take a shower.

*Amelia's POV*

Scar went to take a shower and Rose woke up just after me and Chris finished cleaning.

"Morning Amelia and Uncle Chris." Rose told us.

"Morning Rose." I told her going to pick her up. "What do you want for breakfast today?" I asked her.

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