Chapter 7: Sporting Day

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Two weeks had elapsed since the weighty crown of sovereignty had come to rest upon Monica's brow, marking her ascension as queen, and yet a moment's reprieve remained tantalizingly out of reach. In a relentless whirlwind of regal obligation, the queen had scarcely found time to draw breath. Her hours had been consumed by a marathon of state dinners, each a grand affair requiring her utmost diplomatic grace.

In the quiet corners of these opulent halls, she received comprehensive briefings on the pressing issues of national security, her attention fixed on preserving the peace of the realm. Gripping tales of loss and pleas for justice were laid before her throne by her people, their voices a constant echo in the chambers of the palace. Amidst this, Queen Monica dedicated herself to the lifeblood of the nation's prosperity, forging connections with the titans of industry, her presence a reassuring emblem of progress and stability.

Her duties extended beyond the borders, as she tentatively navigated the intricate web of international commerce, weighing the potential of foreign trade to enrich her subjects' lives. Each day unfurled a tapestry of leadership, its threads woven from the unending spectrum of royal care and governance, allowing no space for the luxury of leisure.

Monica capably managed her royal duties, her advisor's wisdom an indispensable anchor amidst the storm. Yet, beneath her composed exterior, the relentless tide of stress eroded her Vigor. In private moments, she pined for the solace of a simpler time, longing to slip away to the era of Max, where a brief respite awaited.

Alas, such yearnings were futile in the shadow of Emperor Griffon's legacy. His meddling with the temporal threads had sown distrust among the nobles, compelling them to outlaw time travel, to protect the chronicles of history from further distortion. However, hidden beneath this veneer of preservation lay their true motive: to safeguard their fortunes from unseen, anachronistic influences—a safeguard to ensure that their gold and power would remain untouched by hands that might alter their fate from another time.

Nonetheless, Monica discovered a sliver of joy amidst her royal obligations at select events which allowed her a semblance of leisure. Her attendance at Duchess Fitzroy's charity event, where she was honoured as the guest of distinction, provided an unexpected escape. The event unfurled in the expansive, verdant gardens of the Fitzroy estate, an idyllic backdrop against which a plethora of sports were artfully staged.

The day's activities were a quintet of delights, with a five-mile marathon challenging the stamina of the kingdom's most avid runners and a swimming gala that turned the estate's pools into arenas of graceful competition. Team badminton matches fluttered on with an air of camaraderie and courtly reflexes, while participants faced the gauntlet of an obstacle course designed to test their mettle. Integral to the festivities were six holes of Golf—a game uncannily reminiscent of Spheda.

As the day unwound, Monica's interest piqued upon learning the origins of this genteel sport. A man named Gerald, inspired by his son's tales of knocking spheres back through time's rifts, had ingeniously transformed a method of mending time distortions into a sport that now captivated the world. A wistful smile graced the queen's lips; in Gerald's ingenuity, she found a heartening thread connecting her to Max and a past adventure that forever changed the future.

As the event kicked off, the commentator's voice resonated from every speaker, setting the tone for a memorable day ahead. With expertise and charisma, the commentator skilfully balanced professionalism and informative commentary, all while infusing a laid-back and jovial vibe befitting the charitable spirit of the event.

Despite the scorching weather, Monica made smart choices in her ensemble to stay cool and comfortable under the sun. She donned a white, sleeveless dress specifically tailored for hot weather conditions. The loose and flowing silhouette not only added a touch of elegance but also facilitated optimal air circulation, preventing any discomfort caused by the heat. Delicate lace patterns adorned her dress, lending a graceful and feminine touch to her appearance.

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