Chapter 18: Back to the past

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One hundred years ago, the mayor of Palm Brinks commissioned Max to seek out zelmite ore in the abandoned mines. Acquiring this ore was crucial in expanding the town's railway system, granting its inhabitants an enhanced view of the world. Without his companion Monica by his side, the early sections of the mines presented a challenge to Max. Nevertheless, he remained confident in his ability to reach the destination unaided.

Max successfully arrived at the Miner's Breakroom, a welcomed opportunity to rest and replenish his supplies. While surveying the room, a radiant blue light suddenly materialized before him, prompting him to shield his eyes. As he cautiously unveiled his sight, he discovered Monica standing directly in front of him, her back turned.

Upon facing him, Monica assumed the demeanour Max had last witnessed - a courageous, joyous, and venturesome girl, wearing an infectious smile. Concealing her awareness of the peril Max faced in the mines, Monica skilfully adopted an air of naivety, ensuring he remained oblivious to her knowledge of his potentially fatal predicament.

Max was astounded to witness Monica's reappearance firsthand. His disbelief rendered him unable to articulate his thoughts clearly.

"Mo... Monica?! H... How did..." he stammered, grappling with the reality before him.

Taking a breath of relief, Monica chimed in, eager to express her presence in the past and her delight at seeing Max once again.

"Whew! I'm here," she replied, her words conveying a sense of relief and joy.

Brimming with confusion, Max sought an explanation.

"How did you get here?" he inquired, still attempting to make sense of the situation.

"I asked Crest, and she let me have a Starglass" Monica replied, bending the truth about acquiring the Starglass since she never actually requested it. Nonetheless, everything else she stated held true. "I used it, and, well, it brought me to this time period! After what happened with Griffon, time travel was forbidden in my time... But, hey! No sense in sticking so strictly to the rules to the rules, huh?"

Casting an innocent gaze around her surroundings, Monica feigned ignorance. "Where are we anyway?"

Max proceeded to enlighten her. "This is the Palms Brinks mine. I'm just about to start looking for some zelmite. They need it to expand the Blackstone Railroad"

Concealing her true motives, Monica assumed an exuberant demeanour and expressed her enthusiasm. "Sounds like fun! Let me help!"

Agreeing, Max nodded. "Ok."

Monica could not believe that she was able to see Max again, alive, and well. While she felt tempted to tell Max about his impending death, she saw that he was fully committed to helping the people of the town in getting the zelmite ore. By having his back, she would make his journey easier to achieve. So, she decided to tell him everything once the task was complete.

While traversing the depths of the mines, Max initiated a conversation with Monica. "So, Monica, how did things unfold for you upon returning to your time?"

Her response carried a touch of sombreness. "It was far from easy. Upon my arrival in the kingdom, I found myself obligated to assume the role of queen, since my father was dead."

Max's countenance exhibited surprise at her revelation. "You became queen?!"

Monica poured her heart out, releasing her innermost feelings. "Yes, it's true. But every moment of my time as queen was filled with utter resentment. I felt confined, devoid of personal freedoms. Merely being a princess meant I had minimal autonomy, obligated to have guards accompany me everywhere outside the castle, purely out of fear of assassination. However, the suffering escalated once I ascended the throne."

Max stayed quiet while Monica spoke. "On a daily basis, I endured tiresome official gatherings with the numerous noble houses that governed our lands. While some of these houses maintained a cordial disposition, owing to their alliance with my late father, the Medici house proved to be the epitome of torment. The head of their household became obsessively fixated on marrying off her sons to me, not out of love, but solely to ensure the continuation of their bloodline on the throne. Although the lady's younger son, Arnold's did have an inherently gentle nature, which could have made being together bearable."

"But what if he was merely putting on an act?" Max interjected, raising a point of concern. "Once you and he were bound by marriage and had a child, his true nature might have revealed itself."

The realization struck Monica, her eyes widening. "I never contemplated that possibility. However, I don't need to worry over it, as I am now permanently confined to this era. And surprisingly, I have no regrets about that."

Curious about Monica's plans now that she resided in his time, Max inquired, "So, what do you envision yourself doing now that you are living in this era?"

Monica eagerly laid out her plans, detailing her intention to reside in Max's home. In addition, she expressed her desire to embark on a grand adventure with him once the railway line was expanded, enabling them to explore the world together. Furthermore, she revealed her aspiration to initiate a charity fundraiser aimed at assisting the people of Palm Brinks, especially considering Max's disclosure about the mayor's plan to dismantle the town's surrounding wall for expansion. Max wholeheartedly embraced her plans and eagerly anticipated accompanying her on these endeavours, relishing the opportunity to be by her side.

Unbeknownst to Monica, Max harboured deep admiration for her personality. Unlike the girls who led settled lives within the town, Monica stood out with her unwavering determination, independent spirit, and fearlessness in expressing her thoughts. Max had always held Monica in high regard, appreciating her headstrong nature and her refusal to conform to societal expectations.

Delving further into the depths of the mines, Max and Monica encountered a host of malicious creatures that immediately lunged at them in aggression. These monsters proved to be enhanced versions of the adversaries they had faced during their previous escapades, such as the bats, rams, spider ladies, and Mimics cleverly camouflaging themselves as treasure chests. Working harmoniously, Max and Monica effortlessly triumphed over every formidable foe that crossed their path. Despite the approaching confrontation with Flotsam, Monica remained steadfast in her belief that she possessed the ability to rescue and protect Max from harm.

They soon encountered a fork in the path, and mutually agreed to veer left. Regrettably, their chosen route reached a dead-end. However, Max's sharp eyes discerned a chest nearby. Curiosity piqued, he opened it and revealed a stash of dynamite capable of demolishing frail walls that might obstruct their progress. Recognizing its potential usefulness, Monica urged Max to take the dynamite along, ensuring they were prepared for any unforeseen obstacles. With the dynamite secured, they retraced their steps and embarked on the alternative path to the right. 

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