Chapter 16: An Unexpected Delay

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Monica, aware of her mission, left Gerald's room and returned to the main hall. With determination, she positioned the Starglass at the room's centre, prepared to journey a century into the past. Before activating the Starglass, she met Osmond's gaze. Though he understood he would never see her again, he respected her choice. "Farewell, your majesty," he bid her, extending his well-wishes. "May you succeed in your endeavour."

Monica contemplated the outcome of the plan. "If I succeed," she shared with Osmond, "I'll leave you a letter and a photograph of Max and me. Look for them beneath a rock near a cave along the beaches of Luna Labs." Approaching Osmond, Monica bid him farewell. "Goodbye, my friend, and thank you for everything. Please convey my apologies to Elena for calling her selfish and a coward."

"I will ensure the message reaches her," he responded.

Monica retraced her steps toward the Starglass, determined to channel her thoughts solely onto Max. By fixating on him, she would be able to traverse precisely 100 years into the past, arriving safely in Palm Brinks. Yet, a sudden warning from Osmond interrupted her focus—a figure poised to strike with a bladed weapon through the shattered window above. Reacting swiftly, Monica seized the Starglass and deftly rolled back towards Osmond, seeking shelter from the imminent danger.

Shadow Claw landed in the main hall, brandishing her sword towards Monica. Unyielding, Monica met her gaze as she observed the contempt emanating from the glowing red eyes behind the mask.

Monica demanded, "Who are you, and who sent you?"

Silence engulfed Shadow Claw, as if bound by strict orders to withhold any words.

"I have a feeling that Griffon had more associates than we initially anticipated," Osmond speculated.

Preparing herself, Monica grasped her sword and instructed Osmond, "Take the Starglass to the mines. I'll create a diversion and buy you time."

Concerned, Osmond queried, readying his Star Breaker gun, "Are you sure you don't need my assistance in combating her?"

"Don't worry about me. I still know how to fight with the sword." Monica assured with conviction.

Activating his stealth camouflage, Osmond swiftly exited the premises with the Starglass in hand.

Monica and Shadow Claw clashed in a relentless sword fight, each strike echoing through the air. With the weight of her father's sword in her hands, Monica displayed her years of training, executing precise manoeuvres and calculated parries. On the other side, Shadow Claw exhibited a fluid grace, deftly wielding dual blades to counter Monica's every move.

Monica harboured a resolute determination to escape her current timeline, dreading peril that awaited if she stayed as Queen. Taking refuge in the past would offer her safety, as she possessed the sole remaining Starglass, preventing anyone from the future from pursuing her.

On the other hand, Shadow Claw became unwavering in her determination to end Monica's life. Bound by unwavering loyalty to Gaius, she followed his orders without question. Yet, her motivations ran deeper, fuelled by personal reasons that drove her desire to kill the queen. As the assassin locked eyes with Monica, a potent mixture of hatred and a twinge of betrayal consumed her. She concealed these emotions, wary of allowing Monica to exploit any perceived weakness.

Amid their encounter, neither Monica nor Shadow Claw were fully aware of the complex emotions that fuelled their opposing paths. Monica sought survival and escape, while Shadow Claw, devoted to her allegiance and driven by personal vendetta, remained steadfast in her mission.

Seeking an advantage, Monica used her magic armband. She unleashed fire projectiles towards Shadow Claw, hoping to catch her off guard. However, the skilled assassin anticipated each attack, evading with agility and narrowly dodging the flames.

Undeterred, the duel raged on, with Monica maintaining a vigilant eye on Shadow Claw's technique. Analysing the assassin's form, Monica swiftly deduced her opponent's inexperience in the art of swordsmanship. With this knowledge, Monica adjusted her strategy, executing precise movements and strategic strikes to gain the upper hand. Her movements grew fluid and calculated, overpowering Shadow Claw with ease as she was able to knock her to the ground with a leg sweep.

Shadow Claw tumbled backward, her grasp on both swords slipping away. Despite her defeat, she remained silent, offering no plea for mercy.

"You fought well," Monica proclaimed, offering a hint of admiration. "However, your swordsmanship still requires much refinement." Shadow Claw appeared taken aback by Monica's unexpected words. "You won't meet your end here today. If you wish to surpass me, continue your training and explore new weaponry."

With a fluid motion, Monica sheathed her sword. "Until our paths cross again, farewell, assassin." Without hesitation, Monica dashed out of the mansion, hastening to reach Osmond who patiently waited at the Zelmite Mines.

Lost in contemplation, Shadow Claw grappled with the sight of Monica sparing her life. She questioned the reason behind this act of mercy from someone who had initially sought her demise. Nonetheless, duty beckoned, reminding her of the task at hand. She retrieved her blades from the ground and set off in pursuit of Monica, driven by the competing currents of uncertainty and determination.

Positioned outside the entrance to the mines, Osmond's anticipation grew palpable. As he glanced upon the former glory of the town's park, with its once stunning lake now reduced to a desolate, arid expanse, a profound sense of disillusionment settled within him. The sight of a once prosperous town now left abandoned and forsaken weighed heavily on his heart. However, amidst his disheartenment, Osmond clung fervently to a spark of hope. Should Monica triumph in her quest to journey back to the past, he dared to envision a renaissance for the town—a future where life would surge forth once more, filling its streets with vitality and banishing the sorrowful ghosts of its abandonment.

Osmond's wait ended as he spotted Monica approaching him. "Thanks for waiting for me," she expressed gratefully as she reached the entrance to the mines.

Curiosity consumed Osmond. "What about the assassin? Did you deal with her?"

Monica informed him that she had indeed defeated the assassin but made the compassionate choice not to take her life. Concern rippled through Osmond, fearing that sparing the assassin could lead to unforeseen consequences. Yet, Monica provided reassurance, suggesting that Shadow Claw might eventually retreat and retrain.

"I'm not so sure, Monica," Osmond voiced his doubts as Shadow Claw increasingly closed in on their location. Swiftly, he readied his gun and handed Monica the Starglass. "It's my turn to hold her off now! Head into the mines, Monica, and don't turn back."

"Osmond," Monica uttered, her worry evident as she contemplated the danger Osmond would face if she left him behind.

"Go! Now!" he commanded. "Save Max! And live a better life for yourself."

Monica dashed into the depths of the mines, clutching the Starglass tightly, her grip unyielding. As she ventured deeper, a resounding explosion reverberated from behind her. Osmond had strategically set several bombs, sealing the entrance to ensure the assassin couldn't pursue her. "Osmond!" Monica cried out, consumed with fear for his safety. The realization now struck her—there was no turning back. "Please, survive," she whispered desperately. "I refuse to let anyone else perish because of me." 

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