Chapter 2: Return of the Queen

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The Ixion gracefully descended near Monica's kingdom, casting a majestic shadow over the town as its engines powered down. In the anticipation of its arrival, the citizens of the kingdom began to gather near the train, their curiosity mixed with cautious excitement. Standing at the forefront were Galen Agaris and Elena, ready to address the crowd.

"Dear citizens of the Kingdom of RayBrandt," Galen began, his voice projecting clearly across the now hushed crowd. "I bring you tidings of great significance. Our long-standing adversary, Emperor Griffon, along with his accomplice, Gaspard, has been vanquished. No longer will they threaten our peace and stability."

The words hung in the air momentarily, and then a wave of jubilation swept through the crowd. Cheers erupted, accompanied by tears of relief and joy. The news of their beloved king's killers meeting justice fuelled an eruption of emotions that had been simmering within the kingdom for too long.

Galen Agaris raised his hands, silencing the crowd, as Elena stepped forward and addressed the people with a voice both resolute and compassionate.

"But now," Elena's words resonated, carrying a sense of urgency and hope, "the war has come to an end, and it is our duty to rise above the ashes and rebuild what was lost. Together, we shall forge a new path, bound by unity and determination. While our hearts mourn the loss of our beloved king, let us find solace in the knowledge that his daughter, our princess, remains with us. For her safety, we have kept her location a closely guarded secret."

As Elena spoke, Monica's eyes were fixed on the window monitors, peering anxiously at the faces outside. She yearned to catch sight of a familiar face, to find reassurance amidst the chaos. Her heart sank as she realized that Tren, the one she had hoped to see, was nowhere to be found among the crowd.

Concerned, Osmond approached Monica and gently asked, "Is everything alright, Princess Monica?"

With a mixture of determination and a touch of nostalgia, Monica replied, "I'm fine, Osmond. I recognize many of these faces, but some who are dear to me seem to be absent."

Osmond pondered for a moment, offering an explanation, "I remember when your home was attacked. Many were able to find safety, but there are those who have yet to return. It's quite possible that some of the missing faces belong to them."

Monica's voice filled with undisguised angst as she cut Osmond off, "Please, don't finish that sentence."

Regretful, Osmond quickly bowed and apologized, "I apologize, Your Highness. I hope that the people you seek are safe and sound."

A glimmer of resolve returned to Monica's eyes as she responded, "I hope so too. As soon as I have the opportunity, I will visit the hall of records to ascertain their status. I must know."

The weight of responsibility and worry rested heavily upon Monica's shoulders as she grappled with the uncertainty of Tren's fate. Still, her determination to find answers burned bright within her.

Monica turned away from the monitor and hurriedly made her way to the door. "It's time to be with my people again. I shouldn't keep them waiting," she said, determined.

Osmond gave her a thumbs up. "Good luck, Monica. Knock 'em dead!"

Monica smiled and nodded in response. She could hear Galen Agaris preparing to announce her name to the crowd. "People of the Kingdom of RayBrandt, without any further delay, please welcome our new Queen!" The Ixion doors swung open, and Monica confidently walked down the train ramp to present herself to her people. "All hail Queen Monica RayBrandt!"

Monica observed her people, who went silent. Many were shocked that she was alive while other cannot believe how beautiful she looked. She then gave her people a speech.

"Dear citizens of the Kingdom of RayBrandt,

Today, I stand before you as your Queen, with a heart full of gratitude and a vision of a promising future. I have returned to you, my beloved kingdom, to reassure you that the days of living in fear are over. Together, we will embark on a new era of strength, unity, and prosperity.

From this day forward, we shall face any adversaries with unwavering courage and determination. Let it be known that our kingdom will no longer tremble in the shadow of fear. We shall rise above the challenges that lie ahead, fortified by the unity of our people, and guided by the legacy of our ancestors.

Today marks the beginning of a new age for RayBrandt. A time when our kingdom will flourish, and our people will thrive. I promise to lead with compassion, fairness, and justice, ensuring that the welfare of each and every one of you is at the forefront of our decisions.

Together, we will foster an environment of inclusivity, where every voice is heard, and every dream is within reach. We shall nurture the arts, sciences, and education, empowering our citizens to explore their potential and contribute to the collective success of our kingdom.

As your Queen, I entrust you, my loyal subjects, with the task of building bridges of understanding and unity within our diverse community. Let us celebrate our differences, for it is the strength of our diversity that will fuel our progress.

No longer shall we look back in fear, for today, we step into the light of a brighter tomorrow. I invite you all to join hands and embark on this journey with me as we transform challenges into opportunities, doubt into determination, and fear into hope.

Together, we shall create a legacy that future generations will look upon with admiration and pride. Let our united spirits guide us through this new age, as we unlock the immense potential that resides within our remarkable kingdom.

Thank you, my dear citizens, for your unwavering support and faith in me. May the days ahead be filled with prosperity, peace, and boundless joy.

Long live the Kingdom of RayBrandt!"

The people erupted in thunderous applause, their admiration resonating through the air as Queen Monica concluded her inspiring speech. Once faithful to the late king, they now placed their unwavering trust in his daughter.

Galen Agaris, approached Sir George, the head of the royal guard. "Sir George, please escort the queen back to the castle. We must make preparations for the upcoming coronation without delay."

"As you wish, sir," Sir George responded with a respectful nod. Turning to his men, he commanded, "Guards, form a protective escort around our esteemed queen and lead her back to the castle with honour and vigilance."

An elite detachment of seven guards instantly surrounded Monica: three on each side, Sir George leading the way, and one trailing behind her. The guards moved with practiced synchrony, mirroring the queen's movements with attentive vigilance. Through this protective phalanx, Monica maintained her gracious demeanour, smiling and waving back at her people who reciprocated her joy with an unending rain of flowers.

As she saluted her subjects, she scanned the crowd for a familiar face – Tren. She was searching for a young girl with black hair, blue eyes, and a constellation of freckles. But among the sea of smiling faces, Tren was nowhere to be found. Monica was struck by a pang of worry, remembering Osmond's grim conjecture. Tren might have been forced to leave, or even been a casualty of Griffon's brutal assault. Shaking off the unsettling thought for the moment, Monica masked her concern and continued her procession back to the castle, leaving the sea of cheering citizens behind.

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