Chapter 20: Rest and Recreation

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Monica carried Max to Dr. Dell's Clinic, located beside the serene pond in Palm Brinks Park. She gently placed Max on the patient's bed, stepping back as the doctor commenced his examination. After a brief assessment, Dr. Dell confirmed that Max was merely suffering from extreme exhaustion, a consequence of navigating the mines solo.

"This is the mayor's doing, then?" Dr. Dell could not hide his indignation. "Utterly irresponsible!" he declared. The doctor's disapproval was evident as he condemned the mayor's decision to allow Max to venture into the mines alone. "Those mines were sealed for valid reasons! Mayor Need ought to assemble a team from Heim Rada for a thorough excavation, not send two children into such peril."

Monica, her focus solely on Max's wellbeing, voiced her concern. "Will Max be okay, Doctor?"

Dr. Dell offered a reassuring nod. "Max just needs plenty of rest to make a full recovery. You should get some rest too, Monica. Do you have somewhere to stay while he recovers?"

Monica's response was laced with a hint of resignation. "Not really, no. I don't have anywhere to go." Her admission shed light on her predicament: being permanently in Max's timeline rendered her an unknown in this world, without a place to call home.

Fortunately, Dr. Dell was understanding of Monica's situation and allowed her to rest on the large couch usually reserved for patients waiting their turn. After her arduous journey through time and the effort she put into saving Max's life, Monica felt she had earned a moment of rest. She decided that once she and Max had completed their task of restoring the railway line, she would then allow herself to enjoy some much-deserved personal freedom.

While drifting off to sleep, Monica's mind wandered to a heavy thought: whether to inform Max about his foreseen demise. However, she concluded that sharing this information would be unnecessary. She reasoned that if Max knew his fate was to have ended already, such knowledge might paralyze him with fear, preventing him from doing anything and potentially altering the outcome of their shared mission. Monica chose to keep this burden to herself, believing that preserving Max's courage was paramount.

Having witnessed firsthand the formidable challenge posed by the mines and the strength of the monsters within, Monica realized the necessity of devising a comprehensive plan. She understood that to successfully obtain the ore and confront Flotsam's mysterious boss, they needed a strategy that accounted for every potential hazard. This realization prompted her to decide it was crucial to discuss their next steps with Max once he recovered. She knew that together, they could achieve their goals, like how they defeated Griffon.

The next morning, Max awoke in Dr. Dell's clinic, momentarily disoriented about how he arrived there. Piecing things together, he deduced Monica must have brought him in after he collapsed. Glancing around for her, he realized she was not in the room. Instead, his gaze landed on a note addressed to him, placed thoughtfully next to a freshly made Potato Pie—his favourite. The comfort of the familiar dish brought back warm memories of his mother.

The note read as followed. "Max. I hope this note finds you in a moment of peace and beginning recovery. It is hard to express how relieved I am to have been able to bring you to the clinic in time. Your health and well-being have been my utmost concern since the incident, and I hope you start feeling better soon.

In a small attempt to bring some comfort and aid in your recovery, I've prepared a Potato Pie for you. I remember you mentioning once how much you enjoy it, and I hope it brings a bit of warmth and nostalgia, even a smile. Alongside, I have left some water to help you stay hydrated and refreshed.

Once you are feeling up to it, I need to speak with you. It is crucial that we discuss our next steps, especially regarding securing the Zelmite ore. Our future actions need to be carefully planned and executed with precision. I believe together, we will be able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

Please rest well and regain your strength. Our journey is far from over, and we need all the energy and resilience we can muster. Looking forward to our discussion and more so, to seeing you back on your feet.

With all my best wishes for your speedy recovery. - Monica."

From the clinics window, Max watched Monica who was by the boat on the pond's edge. In the fleeting tranquillity between their encounters with monsters, Monica was a picture of focus, sharpening her swordplay and refining her acrobatics. Her commitment to peak physical readiness was evident, a testament to her disciplined resolve. This rigor was born out of necessity; during her reign as queen, stringent royal duties had prevented her from her daily training, a shortfall that became painfully clear during their battles against the monsters in the mines. Now, free from the constraints of the crown, Monica was determined to overcome her past limitations, training with an intensity fuelled by her experiences.

Monica's sword practices had captured the undivided attention of Palms Brink's residents, who watched intently. Her exercises transformed into a renowned display of martial skill that the townspeople came to eagerly anticipate. With unparalleled fluidity, Monica would begin with fundamental slashes, quickly advancing to intricate manoeuvres that left trails of her blade's path hanging in the air. Pinpoint thrusts followed, each executed with intentional force. She fluently transitioned into a repertoire of defensive techniques, her adept parries and blocks reflecting a profound mastery of sword fighting intricacies. But Monica did not stop at conventional skills; she infused her routine with breathtaking acrobatic movements. Her flips and rolls added an element of dynamic fluidity, creating a mesmerizing martial dance that blended attack and defence harmoniously. This spectacle of agility and strength held the spectators in rapt admiration, displaying the depth of Monica's dedication and the breadth of her skill.

Max left and Clinic and made his way to Monica. As the people applauded her skills, she gave them a bow. The public were happy she returned since she vanished without saying goodbye last time. Monica ensured them that she was here to stay for good.

As Max approached her, Monica's eyes met his, and with a tender smile, she closed the distance between them, enveloping him in a heartfelt embrace. Max was taken aback by Monica's recent displays of affection, unaware of the pivotal role she had played in saving his life and ensuring his extended time on this earth.

"How are you feeling, Max?" Monica inquired, relief evident in her eyes as she saw Max regaining his strength.

"I'm feeling a lot better," Max responded gratefully. "Thank you for getting us out of the mines. I underestimated the challenges we would face in there. Those monsters were tougher than I anticipated."

Monica's expression turned serious as she felt the need for a crucial conversation. "That's exactly what I wanted to discuss with you. Venturing into the mines alone was reckless. Without me by your side, the danger was far greater than you realized."

Max nodded earnestly in agreement with Monica's words. "I won't deny it, Monica. After the confrontation with Griffon, I felt like I was invincible. It blinded me to the reality that without you by my side, I lacked the crucial support and protection we offer each other in battle."

Monica shared with Max her decision to temporarily postpone further expeditions into the treacherous mines, opting instead to concentrate on mutual growth and preparation. She outlined her strategy: dedicating herself to refining both her swordsmanship and magical abilities through relentless practice, while Max would focus on crafting superior weapons for himself and enhancing the capabilities of the ridepod in Cedric's workshop. This collaborative effort to bolster their skills and equipment was projected to span a period of one to two weeks, during which they aimed to fortify their readiness for future explorations, ensuring a more thorough and strategic approach to navigating the perilous depths of the mines together.

The citizens of Palm Brink stepped forward with generous donations, offering items to aid in the restoration of the railway line. Their contributions included essential provisions like food, restorative items, and spare parts that could be utilized by Max to enhance the capabilities of his Ridepod. The community's support reflected their shared desire to venture beyond the town's confines and explore the unknown territories that lay beyond.

Max and Monica stood in agreement with the plan, sealing their commitment with a firm handshake. "It's reassuring to have you by my side again, Monica," Max expressed, his voice resonating with determination.

"I'm grateful to be back as well." Monica replied warmly. "This time feels like home, where I truly belong." 

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