Chapter 17: Race against Time

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The Zelmite mines, once bustling with activity and purpose, now lay in a state of eerie decay. The once vibrant walls that echoed with the sounds of labour now stood silent and desolate, their colours faded, and their surfaces marred by the passage of time. The air, once filled with the distinct aroma of minerals and sweat, now hung heavy with the scent of abandonment.

As Monica cautiously ventured deeper into the mines, the signs of neglect became increasingly evident. Dust and cobwebs clung to the fragmented wooden support beams; their strength eroded by years of neglect. The mine tunnels, once meticulously carved and reinforced, now bore the scars of neglect, with sections collapsed or caved in, further restricting access to what was once a rich vein of Zelmite ore.

The absence of life was palpable as Monica ventured further. No longer did the sound of pickaxes reverberate through the tunnels, nor did the glow of lanterns illuminate the path ahead. The once-pulsating heart of the mines had been silenced, leaving behind a void that echoed with the hollowness of abandonment.

Amidst this decaying landscape, the tools of the miners lay scattered and neglected, their metal surfaces tarnished and corroded by the relentless march of time. Picks and shovels, once held with purposeful hands, now lay forgotten, their handles worn, and their blades dulled. The empty husks of rusted mine carts stood as solemn reminders of a time when they were filled with precious Zelmite, serving as vessels for the dreams and aspirations of those who toiled within these depths.

In this world of decay, Monica's movements were cautious, not only to avoid the possible monsters that might roam the treacherous terrain which succumbed to the relentless forces of time. Every step she took echoed with the weight of the past. It felt like she could feel Max's presence as if his ghost were trapped here.

Monica reached the miner's breakroom, a much-needed sanctuary for the weary miners seeking rest and respite from their arduous work in the mines. However, her progress came to an abrupt halt as the path ahead was obstructed by stubbornly lodged boulders. This meant she could not proceed any further towards the location where Max valiantly battled Flotsam, risking his life. Monica felt an urgency to assist him and ensure his survival.

Exasperated, she voiced her frustration with a protest, desperately seeking an alternative route. And then, a glimmer of hope flickered within her as she recalled that she was in possession of the Starglass. Realizing its potential, Monica conceived a plan to leapfrog ahead of Max and lend him her aid on his crucial quest.

Returning to the centre of the breakroom, she carefully placed the Starglass on the floor, anticipation mingled with nervousness in her heart. With all her focus and concentration, Monica began summoning thoughts of Max, summoning the memories they shared throughout their grand adventure to halt Griffon's malevolence. These cherished moments included their unconventional first encounter when she masqueraded as a boy to pilfer his circus ticket, their valiant battle against many monsters, and the times they bonded over drinks upon their returns to the familiar town of Palm Brinks for much-needed supplies.

She knew that these memories, intertwined with her unwavering intention to aid Max, would activate the powers of the Starglass. Its mysteries awaited, poised to transport her closer to Max's side, surmounting the obstacle of the blockaded path. With a mixture of hope and trepidation, she whispered her desires, "I hope this works for me," acknowledging the unknown that lay ahead while fuelled by her dedication to supporting her steadfast companion in their shared pursuit.

The starglass emanated a radiant glow, illuminating the once dim and desolate mines with a luminous brilliance. Monica shielded her eyes, protecting herself from the overwhelming brightness. As she cautiously opened her eyes, she found herself immersed in a boundless expanse of stars, a realm where the boundaries of space and time held no sway. However, the absence of her precious Atlamillia weighed heavily upon her, for it was her stone that provided protection during journeys through time.

Summoning her unwavering determination, Monica spurred herself onward, rallying every fibre of her being to push forward. Her voice, filled with conviction, echoed through the starlit void, urging herself to persevere. "Come on, Monica! You can do this! Focus on Max, concentrate on him, and you will prevail!"

Among the countless stars, a singular radiance shone brighter than the rest, serving as an unmistakable beacon guiding her path. Resolute, Monica began to inch forward, her movements slow but unwavering. With unwavering willpower fuelling her every step, her feet gradually gained momentum. And then, with an unstoppable surge of strength, she propelled herself forward, running at an astonishing speed that surpassed the limitations of light itself.

Monica's heart weighed heavy with the knowledge that her return home was an improbable reality, leaving her with a profound sense of disappointment as if she had let down her father. Speaking with a mix of sorrow and resolve, she expressed her remorse, addressing her father directly. "Father, I deeply apologize for my inability to fulfil my royal duties. However, I want you to understand that a life of royalty was never truly meant for me. I yearn to carve out my own path, to discover my own destiny."

In the depths of her contemplation, thoughts of her dear friend surfaced, a friend who had been erased from existence due to her actions to manipulate time. Her voice tinged with remorse, she whispered the name, "Tren." Regret seeped into her words as she acknowledged the consequences of her attempts to save the world. "I am sorry that my actions, meant to salvage time, resulted in your removal from existence. If circumstances had allowed, I would have taken you back with me, shielded you from such a fate. But the price I paid for trying to safeguard the world demanded sacrifices."

Understanding the immense significance of her departure, Monica recognized that her absence would leave her kingdom without a monarch. Despite the weight of this realization, she clung to a glimmer of hope. Her aspirations turned toward the nobility, whom she entrusted with the responsibility of constructing a new form of governance that would nurture and uplift the lives of the people. With a hopeful spirit, she held onto the belief that from the ashes of monarchy, a government would emerge that aimed to serve the greater good, fostering a society where the needs and well-being of the citizens took precedence.

As Monica sprinted onward at an unrelenting pace, the world unfolded before her with astonishing clarity. The Zelmite mines transformed, their once drab and deteriorated state replaced with a newfound vibrancy and vividness. Colours burst forth, saturating the surroundings as if awakened from a slumber. The tools and equipment, once rendered useless by the passage of time, regained their functionality, and gleamed with renewed purpose.

Her eyes fixed on the star she had been relentlessly pursuing, its radiant glow gradually taking on the form of a familiar figure. Though she could only glimpse his back, Monica's heart recognized him instantaneously. Brown hunting hat, yellow shirt, and blue denim overalls — unmistakably Max. Overwhelmed with determination and concern, she cried out, her voice filled with urgency and unwavering conviction. "Hold on just a little bit longer, Max! I will save you!" Every ounce of her being propelled her forward, propelling her feet ever faster.

Summoning every reserve of strength, Monica launched herself forward, propelled by a combination of determination and desperation. With unwavering precision, she placed her hands upon Max's shoulders, the connection sealing her fate. In that final act, the fabric of time itself responded, transporting her back to his era, to the time she had fought so valiantly to reach. 

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