Chapter 25: ...and the truth will set you free

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Max and Monica arrived back at the Mansion, where Monica planned to reveal the truth to Max. Before doing so, she requested to retrieve something from her room in the servants' quarters, emphasizing its importance to the forthcoming conversation. Understanding the significance, Max granted her permission to gather what she needed while he awaited her return in his room.

Max settled at his desk, passing the time by reflecting on the journal he had penned for his mother, destined for a future time capsule. The journal chronicled his quest to thwart Griffon and detailed his shared adventures with Monica, including their foray into the mines. Adorning the walls of his room were the meticulously crafted blueprints outlining the grand design of the Blackstone One, his envisioned personal train. The plans featured lavish additions such as his private quarters, a training room, a bar, servant quarters, and a workshop. Revamping the train to match these blueprints would demand considerable time and effort. However, once the project neared completion, Max envisioned embarking on a holiday with Monica, traversing the lands and venturing across the ocean to explore new horizons.

A soft knock echoed through the room, followed by Monica's voice from the other side of the door, seeking permission to enter. "Come in, Monica," Max replied, setting aside his journal.

As Monica stepped into the room, her nervous demeanour was evident as she clasped her hands together, moving aimlessly and breathing slowly. Concern etched on his face, Max inquired, "What's troubling you, Monica? Is everything okay?"

With a moment of stillness, Monica halted her restless pacing and met Max's gaze. "Please, have a seat, Max," she requested, indicating towards the bed. Max obliged, taking a seat and attentively waiting for Monica to share what weighed on her mind.

After composing herself with a few deep breaths, Monica steeled herself to confess. "I've been acting agitated lately, and there's a reason for that. I have a significant confession to make," she explained, pacing back and forth as Max listened silently.

Continuing, Monica shared, "Upon my return home, I had to know what became of you after our battle with Griffon. I imagined you thriving in life, as a renowned inventor. It crossed my mind that you might have settled down, started a family, and that there could be a chance to witness your descendants carrying forward your legacy." Max listened in silence as Monica bravely continued her confession. Her eyes locked on his, she revealed, "My adviser informed me that you passed away not long after my departure, yet the details remained undisclosed. Driven by the need for closure, I sought out Crest to uncover the circumstances surrounding your demise."

With a deep inhalation, Monica gathered her resolve to share the most difficult part. "I witnessed the moment of your death when Flotsam impaled you with his drill," she disclosed, her voice carrying the weight of the painful memory still burned into her head.

"The same drill that you saved me from?" Max pieced together, the realization sinking in about the danger he narrowly escaped.

Monica nodded in confirmation and proceeded to recount the aftermath. "Following your death, Palm Brinks spiralled into chaos. The mayor's resignation in shame, the exodus of its residents, and your father...well...he left behind a message before he took his own life."

Handing over the note penned by Gerald, Monica watched as Max read it in silence. As he perused the contents, a glistening sheen of tears gradually welled up in his eyes, stirred by the weight of the emotional message. Gerald always loved his son and always wanted to tell Max about his mother but was always afraid Max wouldn't believe him and cause things to be more strained between them. "At some point I need to talk with my father tell him how grateful I am for him."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you any of this sooner, Max," Monica expressed with regret. "I feared that knowing the outcome would lead you to isolate yourself, consumed by fear and shutting yourself off from the world."

Moved by Monica's concerns, Max rose from his bed and enveloped her in a warm embrace. "Thank you, Monica. You made a tremendous sacrifice so that I could have a chance at life. There's no need for apologies," he reassured her. "Realizing the fragility of life has taught me that each day is a precious gift not to be squandered."

Gently cupping Monica's cheek, Max affirmed, "I want to cherish every moment, and I want to share those days with you."

After Max hugged her, Monica stood before the mirror, a sense of discontent reflected in her expression. "Do you remember when I mentioned feeling stifled as a queen, confined within the castle walls?" she began, her voice tinged with frustration. "Not only were my days filled with official responsibilities, but even my personal style of clothing and hairstyle were dictated by others. Each time I gazed at my reflection, I saw a girl moulded to obey and conform to expectations. I was restricted to the confines of the castle, allowed to venture out only under tight security."

Continuing, Monica divulged, "That's why I occasionally escaped incognito, craving a taste of freedom and a glimpse into the lives of the townspeople. It was during one of these clandestine outings that I encountered Tren, my sole companion during those moments of liberation."

"What happened to your friend?" Max inquired, prompting Monica to broach the subject.

With a touch of sorrow in her voice, Monica responded, "She's gone now," signalling her reluctance to delve further into the details surrounding her friend's departure.

Max extended his sympathies as Monica proceeded with her narrative. "But with Tren gone, I had no reason to remain in that time. Thus, with the assistance of Crest, your mother, and Osmond, I utilized the starglass to rescue you, safeguard the town, and embark on a fresh chapter in my life," Monica shared.

In a twist, Monica requested that Max hold the end of her ponytail as she produced a pair of scissors from her pocket. Concern clouded Max's expression as he inquired, "What are you doing, Monica?"

Monica gazed at her reflection in the mirror with a resolute expression. "For far too long, I've allowed others to dictate my appearance and behaviour in the name of royal duty. Today marks the end of Queen Monica," she declared before snipping off her ponytail, leaving her hair to graze her shoulders. "And hello to the new me!" she proclaimed; a sense of liberation evident in her voice.

As Max continued to hold onto what had just been Monica's long ponytail, the shock apparent on his face, he stammered, "Monica... What have you done?"

With a smile on her face, Monica shared, "I finally did what I've longed to do." She then drew close to Max, enveloping him in a tender embrace. "Thank you, Max. Thank you for giving me this newfound freedom." Gazing into his eyes, she pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. "I'm going to savour this fresh start," she expressed after the kiss, feeling genuinely content for the first time in her life.

The End 

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