Chapter 15: Tainted Memories

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Monica and Osmond embark on a journey to the town of Palm Brinks after successfully escaping from the castle. To avoid attracting unwanted attention and potential pursuit, they choose to navigate the less-travelled paths that weave through the lush countryside, realizing that the main roads could endanger their mission.

During their journey, the issue of Monica's appearance becomes a concern. While her attire has been changed to that of a commoner to minimize notice, her distinctive long, pinkish-red hair remains, posing a risk to their stealthy travel. Understanding this, Monica considers the option of cutting her hair short before leaving the castle. This decision would not only aid in concealing her identity but also represent a definitive break from her previous life as a queen and an embracing of her new circumstances. Contemplating the weight of this choice, Monica recognizes that it signifies the loss of her former identity and signals her brave step into the unknown as they forge ahead toward the ruins of Palm Brinks.

"Osmond, I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me." Monica expressed with heartfelt gratitude; her voice soft but rich with emotion.

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Osmond assured her, "Think nothing of it. You and Max are dear friends, and I'm determined to see you get the chance to rescue him. Plus, it gives me a certain pleasure to stick it to the Nobility."

Curious, Monica probed into the root of Osmond's distaste for the nobility. He shared his frustration that after the defeat of Griffon, the ban on time travel had led to the decommissioning of the Ixion, a magnificent time-traveling train. He had hoped to use the train to save a long-lost friend who perished centuries earlier. Understanding dawned on Monica; she realized that Osmond's assistance was not merely a gesture of solidarity but also stemmed from his own experience with loss. He didn't wish the agony of losing a friend upon her—an agony he knew all too well.

After a full day of walking, Monica and Osmond finally arrive at their destination—the ghost town of Palm Brinks, where the sound of silence and desolation permeates the streets. Monica's heart sinks as she takes in the scene, once a bustling hub of life, now forsaken by the relentless passage of time. Each landmark they pass casts a haunting shadow of its former glory, evoking in her a profound feeling of loss.

Cedric's Workshop, once alive with the rhythmic clang of hammers and the brilliance of inventive minds, now stands eerily silent. Milane's Weapon Shop, once renowned for its masterfully honed blades, languishes in neglect, its former shine faded away. The once tantalizing aromas that wafted from Polly's Bakery have vanished, replaced only by the stale scent of decay.

Morton's General Store, once a treasure trove of essentials and intriguing curiosities for the townsfolk, now gazes out at the empty streets through dusty windows. Yet, the most poignant sight of all lies in the coffee shop, a place teeming with intimate memories for Monica, where she and Max shared countless meaningful conversations over steaming cups. Now reduced to ruins, its once cozy corners and the laughter that once filled them are naught but echoes fading into the past.

Osmond noticed how upset Monica when see explored the ruined town. "I'm sorry you had to see place Monica. But you still have a chance to make sure this town can flourish again after saving him."

"You right." she replied. "Elena told me that the best chance to save max is to use the Starglass at his mansion. We need to get there now."

Monica and Osmond cautiously crossed the bridge that led to the grand mansion, a path marred by the remnants of a once vibrant community. As they made their way, Monica's heart sank at the sight of the crumbling church, the dilapidated homes of Morton and Parn, and the decaying remnants of the disgraced Mayor's residence. However, it was upon laying her eyes on the mansion where Max had once resided that a profound wave of sorrow washed over her. The mansion stood in ruins, ravaged by time and pillaging hands that had plundered most of its precious possessions.

The main door, once a symbol of opulence and grandeur, now lay shattered and violated. The once-majestic statues that adorned the mansion's exterior now bore the unmistakable signs of decay, a poignant testament to the passage of time. Nature, in its relentless quest to reclaim what was abandoned, had woven its foliage into the very fabric of the mansion, claiming sections as its own. Monica steeled herself as she went up the stair and entered Max's room, prepared for the heart-wrenching results that awaited her.

Once a chamber brimming with Max's brilliant inventions, the room now stood empty, a haunting void devoid of the vibrant energy it once possessed. The remnants of Max's genius had vanished, leaving only an eerie silence in their wake. It was in this desolate space that Monica's gaze fell upon a photograph resting on his desk. It was a snapshot Max had taken of her, capturing the moment she stood before the majestic Lafrescia Flower during their time at the Rainbow Butterfly Forest.

Recalling Lin's words about Gerald's withdrawal into his private quarters following his son's death, Monica retraced her steps and approached Gerald's room with trepidation. As she cautiously opened the door, what she discovered within was utterly heartbreaking. There, perched upon his chair, sat Gerald's skeletal remains, a haunting testament to his prolonged seclusion. In poignant proximity, a rifle and an empty bottle, their contents once offering solace, now lay on the floor beside him.

With a heavy heart, Monica surveyed the remnants of Gerald's existence and noticed a haunting detail—a gaping hole traversing from his jaw to the crown of his skull and a bullet hole in the ceiling. The tragic circumstances of his demise became painfully evident, the presence of the rifle serving as a somber confirmation. In that solemn moment, Monica could only imagine despair that led Gerald to such a tragic end, leaving an indelible mark on the room that bore witness to his solitary suffering.

As Monica's gaze fell upon the letter resting on Gerald's desk, she felt a mix of curiosity and trepidation. With a heavy heart, she gingerly picked up the letter and began to read the poignant words penned by Gerald, realizing it would be his final message to the people of Palm Brinks.

"This is to be my final message to the people of Palm Brinks," the letter commenced, its weight apparent in the tone of resignation. Gerald expressed his ceaseless dedication in working towards the betterment of their community and supporting the mayor. However, the loss of his son had shattered his resolve, rendering him unable to continue with these efforts. He laid blame on the incompetence of Mayor Need, mournfully stating that it was this very incompetence that had cost him his only remaining family.

Gerald's remorse was palpable as he extended an apology to his son for concealing the truth about his mother for so long, fearing that he would never believe it. The strained relationship between father and son weighed heavily upon him, a consequence of Gerald's hesitation to act sooner. Yet, upon discovering the truth about his mother, Max had found solace and understanding, leading to a newfound closeness between them. Gerald regretted not recalling the name of the young girl who had accompanied Max on his world-saving ventures but remembered Max speaking highly of her. The depth of Max's feelings for her was apparent, a revelation that Gerald mused upon, imagining that if only she had remained with his son, perhaps the tragic outcome could have been averted.

Now, with Max's untimely demise, Gerald felt a profound emptiness and saw no purpose left in life. He assigned blame to the red stone, acknowledging its role in bringing nothing but misery to both himself and his son. In his final words, Gerald expressed his heartfelt desire for a reunion with his beloved son in the next life, bidding a bittersweet farewell to the unforgiving world that had taken away all that mattered to him—his only family.

As Monica absorbed the heartfelt contents of the letter, her eyes welled up with tears, moved by the profound depth of Gerald's love and concern for his beloved son, Max. She cast her gaze upon Gerald's skeletal remains, standing as a haunting testament to the tragedy that had unfolded. With deep sincerity in her voice, Monica spoke to the remnants of Gerald's being, offering solace and a heartfelt promise.

"Don't worry, Gerald," she murmured softly, a mixture of determination and compassion in her words radiated in her voice. "I will ensure that your son continues to live on. His legacy will not be lost.  Monica then placed the letter in her pocket. 

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