"Okay but where is that basement?" Ana asked and looked around the room. There was no other door then the door we came from and a door that was completely closed off by wood.

"Oh my God." Jana clapped her hand before her mouth.

"What?" I asked the young girl, frantically looking her up and down, making sure she was okay.

"We're standing on it." She pushed my concerned self away and started to drag the table away.

We all got in action and helped her, l removed everything from the carpet and soon wooden planks revealed themselves once the carpet was removed.

"I'm not liking this." Leila mumbled while I stepped closer.

"Bibi, not helping." I swiftly turned around and glared at the girl.

Carefully I started to remove the planks, because not a lot was happening besides me moving them, the others came closer so they could have a good look as well.

Underneath the planks was a window with rails that looked much like a cage. My guess is we needed to break the glass and see what happens.

Almost all the planks were removed, almost all of them, except one. I was about to remove it when suddenly the light in the basement turned on and the creepy girl shot up against the window, effectively scaring the crap out of us.

"AAAAH! AY DIOS MIO!" Leila fell to the ground and started cursing the girl out while Mapi once again grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me back with her causing me to fall into her.

"Well that was scary." I panted, still leaning into Mapi.

"You think?" Jana said and peeked over Mapi's shoulder.

"I'm not going in there." Leila scrambled back to her feet and crossed her arms over her chest.

"You don't say." Ana deadpanned but then turned to Mapi, Jana and I. "But what do we have to do with the basement?"

Mapi turned around and carefully looked through the window again. "I think something's in there."

"Yeah, the annoying creepy girl." Leila sassed, causing all four of us to glare at her.

"Not what I meant," Mapi glared at the defender and then looked back through the window, "I meant there is something hanging off a chain. I think we need to break the glass and pull it out." The blonde explained herself further and pointed at something.

I stepped up next to her and peeked through the window. Just like Mapi said, I saw a chain hanging on a bar right underneath the window. Without warning, I grabbed one of the planks and smashed the glass, causing Leila to jump once again.

"A little warning would have been nice." Leila glared at me, holding her heart, trying to calm down.

"Hey Bibi," I called out for her. The defender looked back up at me, indicating that I had her attention, "I'm gonna smash the glass." I said with a smirk.

The others laughed at my action but Leila not so much. She simply glared at me and gave me the finger. I peeked through the hole I created and grabbed a hold of the chain as fast as I could, pulling it up. The chain was attached to an ax, which we could use to break down the barricaded door.

"Now it's my turn." Leila snatched the ax out of my hands and immediately started smashing against the wooden planks. It was safe to say that the girl was eager to get out.

Once she had created a small opening we squeezed ourselves through it. Successfully escaping the room.

"Oh my God, never again." Leila bent over, leaning on her knees, calming down her raving heart.

The Rising Star - Alexia Putellas Where stories live. Discover now