18 | Blunder Of Emotions

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Mishti's Dress :


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Mishti's POV. -


I whispered with a tear trickling down my cheek. Bahvana's eyes widened and she shifted a little closer to me. Her grip on my hand tightened. I gulped the lump forming in my throat.

"Did you...like...talked with her?"

She asked with hesitation and I understood what she wanted to ask. I sniffled and shook my head negatively. I wanted to but...

"Then? How did you know it was your sister?"

She asked with a frown and I closed my eyes to calm down a little. I inhaled deeply before opening them and stared at her.

"I saw her with...baba."

She sighed and looked down. I was numb with all the things running in my mind. Everything was getting more and more messier. We sat in silence before Bhavana lifted her gaze to look at me.

"Mishti, are you okay?"

Her voice was low and filled with worry. I lowered my gaze and nodded my head a little.

"Mishti. Tomorrow we have to perform."

She caressed my hand while whispering. I know what she's worrying about. I can't concentrate whenever I'm disturbed or stressed. She knew it very well. But I can't let it affect me. I have to stay strong.

I can't let my efforts of years go in vain. This is more important than anything else. I need to gather myself.  She wrapped her hands around my shoulder and let me rest in her comfort. She kept patting my back and I shed a few more tears to lighten myself.

I calmed down after a while and she parted from the hug. She gave me some more water to drink and asked me to rest for a while. I nodded my head and lay down to block my thoughts.

My tired eyes closed and I drifted into sleep in no time. But my mind kept replaying all the memories like a movie in front of my eyes. The happy one and the sad one.

I woke up after a while and realised it was late. I sat up on the bed and sensed that my head was hurting. I groan a little while holding my head. I looked around to see that no one was in the room. My throat was running dry and my eyes were hurting. I cried a lot after a long time.

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