Chapter 18

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Auria walks all the way to the back of the last cart before letting herself become one with the air. It was like blowing a candle to Auria but to the three unfortunate victims who were about to experience a blast of wind. Sending them flying that if it was being looked from the sidelines it would have looked like the train was floating across the railroads tracks.

They still did not let go even when the train was slowing down but still kept a steady pace. "Its slowed done guys I think we can relax." Maxim said slowly letting go of what he was holding on along with the others who did the same. "Hey Viktor lets check out the rest of this train." Viktor nods and glances at Ava who just waves them off.

Ava tries to relax herself from the ride they just had by controlling her breathing that was coming out in short breaths. "It will not take long still we arrive where Aiden is." Ava looks up at Auria who was looking down at her. Auria bends down to her level and places her lips against Ava's surprise ones just like a breeze softly glazing your skin which told Ava that she was being kissed by the wind instead of a human.

They stayed like that for a few second before Auria pulled away with a smile. "Do you feel better now?" Ava blinks coming out of her shock state feeling her whole body was now calm. She gave Auria a small nod "Good we cannot have you over working yourself." The train came to a complete stop which did not agreed with Viktor and Maxim who were walking back to the first cart that by the sudden stop send them both backward on to the cart that held the cold coal.

"Next time do warn us you are going to stop this thing!" Viktor said getting up from the pile of coal. Auria stands up helping Ava to her feet while giving Viktor an uncaring shrug of her shoulders. "I do not have a whistle." Viktor shot her a glare. "Where are we?" Maxim asked trying to distract Viktor from planning to kill Auria which will not be easy kill.

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