Chapter 5

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Viktor narrow his eyes at Maxim who was unaffected "You are out of your mind! saying that we are going walking without a destination." Maxim nods "I'm out of my mind I'm a shaman after all."

Viktor shakes his head doing some breathing exercises so he does not hurt Maxim. "I do not think we can do that since most places are far away and the best way to travel by car." Maxim thinks about Ava words an idea pops in his head making his eyes shine.

"Follow me I have the solution." Maxim happily announced to Viktor and Ava who shared a look of confusion. 'This better not be like last time.' Viktor thought shuddering at the memory of him and Maxim who were about 5 years old in which Maxim convinced Viktor of helping him find an item for a spell. That almost got him killed by an avalanche. They somehow ended up walking to the storage are of vehicles that was four blocks from the park.

"So we are going to steal someone's car?" Ava said with her arms crossed across her chest giving Maxim a disapproval look. Viktor gave up a long time ago trying to understand Maxim definition of words like borrowing or stealing.

Maxim shakes his head with the other hand that was not holding the bamboo stick he used it to work the lock open. He pushes the sliding chain fence open walks inside as he knew what he was looking for by the way his eyes moved across the rows.

Viktor and Ava followed Maxim as he led them all around the front. "Hmm it has to be farther back." "What so you do not even know where it is?" Ava snarled with disapproval mixed in making her sound like a teacher telling a child not to do bad things. Viktor's sweat drop seeing a displeased Ava with Maxim not even paying attention to what he caused or even the emotion behind her words. That he answered "It's not stealing when the person let you borrow it."

Annoyance was radiating from Ava who Viktor had to hold back so she does not knock some sense into Maxim which would be a waste of time. Viktor had tried that a long time ago and it did not work at all.

"Found it! You two come on hurry up." Viktor dragged an unhappy Ava to where Maxim was standing in front of a school bus. Maxim gave it a look around checking if everything was there and no missing part as he waited for Ava and Viktor. Viktor eyes widen at the sight of the school bus 'We are going to ride in a school bus?' he thought watching how Maxim produced a set of keys that he used to unlock the doors.

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