Chapter 14

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The cool rocks radiating a cool breeze moving the drops of water falling down into a pool lighted up with does stones. At the middle a small circular patch of soft green grass. "This..." "No words huh its normal when seeing this place for the first time." explained Auria while Viktor, Maxim and Ava still wore a wide eyed expression. "Everything is so pure. Free of any negativity." Auria nods.

"Rocky! Please come out." Viktor and Maxim had their eyes roaming around to see if they could find Rocky who Ava quickly spotted right behind Viktor. Auria noticed him too and they both watched how Viktor and Maxim turned in a full circle looking for Rocky who moved along with them as not to be seen.

"You two really are kids." he mumbles walking pass them. Viktor and Maxim wore a dumbfounded look very well. "Rocky can you track down the others?" Auria asked he ran his hand through his messy black hair "You could have done it too." he mumbles making his way behind the waterfall that was in the middle.

Auria simply shrugs "How is that brat going to help us?" "I might look young but I'm older than you so who is the brat here?" Rocky restores eyes glaring at Viktor. Maxim was shaking his head laying a hand on Viktor shoulder saying, "Do not even try." he turns his head to look at Maxim with a 'you better watch it' look.

"So will you help us Rocky?" he chuckles "Would have been better if the tree would have been in its proper place." he grumbles placing the stone ball on the ground. "Well she is right here." Auria puts her hands on each shoulder of Ava showing her off to Rocky whose eyes widen realization "Then go over there and do your job." he said pointing to the patch of grass in the middle.

Ava tilts her head to the side Rocky face palms himself looking at her clueless face. "You got to be kidding me." he said turning his eyes to Auria who nodded before turning back his eyes to Ava who gives him a nervous laugh. "The proof is on her back ." "Can I see?" he asked 'If this continues I would have to start wearing a sports bra.' she thought lifting her shirt along with turning around so he can see the tree.

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