Chapter 6

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"Relax Ava, knowing Maxim he would have gotten it from a friend but that does not matter. So instead worry about if he knows how to drive this school bus." Ava eyes widen as worry over took her from Viktor's not so comforting words.

Maxim sticks his head out a window and says, "Are you two coming? or are you two going to fly." Ava takes a relaxing breath which each step she walked up the steps 'My vision..' was the last thought as he body fell forward if it was not for Viktor who caught her before falling head first on the steps.

"Oh dear Ava I'm glad you were able to hear me. You are the only one that can find them. You will be drawn to them same as they to you now that your power has awaken..."

"Mother Earth..?" was Ava soft reply in which she felt the warm of summer caress her cheek lovingly. Ava relaxed to the touch falling into soft slumber. "I know you can do it Ava. I believe in you." she gave a small nod in respond.

"How did I end up driving?" grumbles Viktor trying to get a good handle on how to drive the bus. Maxim is spread out on one of the other beds between asleep and awake glancing so often at Ava who was now starting to show signs of waking up. Maxim stretches over to his right to grab some water from the mini refrigerator. "Here you go." Ava thanks him for the water taking a big gulp. "Take it easy now do not want you chocking on us." he warned watching her gulp it down. 'No' she thought as she went into a coughing fit. "What the hell did you give her?!" Viktor yelled anger showing on how hard his knuckle were gripping the steering wheel tightly that they were turning white. Ava had her hands around her neck "Burning.." she managed to say from the intense burning feeling she felt in her throat.

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