Chapter 10

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Auria lays a calming hand on her shoulder "Is okay they could not stop it from happening, the good thing was that they both were able to exit safely." Ava lets the negative energy leave her body. "Please tell me you did not have anything to do which what just happen." Maxim shakes his head "Maybe the person wearing a hoddie who is now running away might be the one who did it."

A small growl made itself known at the back of Viktor throat. Maxim gives Viktor a pat on the back as he walks beside him to where Ava and Auria were watching. "Now that we have no transportation and we still have six other people to warn about some unknown danger. That is now coming after us!"

"Relax Viktor." Auria said Maxim had to turn his head to the side to hide his chuckle after seeing Viktor shocked face by hearing his name said by a stranger. "The wind." Ava said Viktor mumbles an okay. "Is there a place you can take us so we are not right in the open?" Auria nods "Its an old warehouse." they nod in approval following right behind Auria through a thin layer of trees before coming upon a dirt area which had rusty barbwire around it. Warehouse stood in the middle with signs falling apart from being unused for years.

"Careful is not wise to get an open wound from the barbwire there might still be bacteria floating around that was chemically created in there." warned Auria 'Oh why cannot it be filled with harmless bunnies but no it has to be filled with some unknown bacteria that might kill you in intact contact.' Ava thought being careful of not getting cut. Which almost happened because for one second she got distracted by Viktor and Maxim who were arguing slightly while having to help each other. "A distraction can cost you." Auria stated using a small breeze to help Ava who gave an apologetic smile letting Auria help her.

They managed to find a small opening "Hm I'm to tall to fit through that small hole." Viktor said staring at the size of it. Ava and Maxim shared a knowing look as they then pushed Viktor to the ground and to the small opening. "I've told you guys I will not fit! Ouch!" "Less talking more work!" Ava ordered at Viktor who they were pushing his butt in since half of him was in the other side. With one last push they managed to get Viktor inside with Ava, Maxim and Auria following right behind. Viktor grumbles standing up and dusting his clothes of the dust that covered his clothes.

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