The Beach

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A/N The Beach minus the Maiko! Sorry. I ship Maiko, but I ship Zutara more. Also, TYZULA OVER CHANZULA!

"I'm so excited to hang out on Ember Island!" Ty Lee gushed. "It'll be awesome to spend all weekend hanging out on the beach doing nothing."

"Doing nothing is a waste of time," Mai complained. "We're being forced onto this vacation."

"Lighten up," Azula said. "So dad wants to meet with his advisors alone, without anyone else. Don't take it personally."

"Doesn't your family have a house on Ember Island?" Ty Lee asked.

"We used to come here every summer, when we were kids." Then Azula scowled into the water.

"That must have been so fun!"


Lo and Li led the way past all the extravagant houses to a modest cottage. "Welcome to Ember Island, kids!"

The trio scowled as they walked through the curtains.

"It smells like old lady in here," Azula complained.

"Gee, I wonder why," Mai muttered.

Ty Lee pointed to a photo of two twin girls in seductive poses. "Who's that?"

"Can't you tell? It's us!" Lo and Li struck identical poses.

Mai turned slightly green.


"Ooh, I love this seashell bedspread!" Ty Lee snuggled up on the bed.

"Are you serious?" Mai snapped. "It looks like the beach threw up all over it."

"We know you're upset that you were forced to come here this weekend, but Ember Island is a magical place. Keep an open mind..."

"Give it a chance..."

"And it may help you understand each other. The beach has a way of smoothing even the most ragged edges."

They pulled off their robes, revealing their swimwear. "Now let's hit the beach!"

Azula covered Ty Lee's eyes.


"I don't know, Rina, swimming is fun and all, but don't you think you're exposing yourself too much?" Toph asked. "Cover up!"

"What? I'm wearing a swimsuit."

"I know. It's your tattoos I'm worried about. What if someone sees you?"

Rina shrugged as she looked at the tattoos down her arms and legs. 

"We're completely safe," Katara promised. "There are walls all around us."


"This has got to be the most boring job in the Fire Nation," one guard complained. "Nothing ever happens.

Rina screamed with joy as she leapt from the top of the waterfall, her tattoos pointing towards the guards' hiding spot.

"An airbender! That means the Avatar is nearby! We should send a message to the Fire Lord!"

"A black ribbon message! This is so exciting!"


Two boys built an elaborate sandcastle, laughing with glee. Then Azula's foot crushed it.

A teenage boy spotted Ty Lee and his eyes widened. "Hey, need some help unpacking the bag?"

"Sure, thanks!"

Azula scowled, jealousy bubbling up as the boy arranged Ty Lee's beach towel.

Ugh. It was so perfectly straight. Just like Ty Lee probably-

Avatar KataraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon