Return to the South

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"I can't wait to see it," Rina said. She'd been talking nonstop about the Southern Air Temple. "Gran says that it was built on a high mountaintop, only accessible by flying bison. The Fire Nation reached it by taming dragons to fly them up."

"Wait, what?" Sokka interrupted. "The Fire Nation has dragons?"

"Well, not anymore," Rina assured him. "They disappeared. I have no idea why."

"Good," Katara said. "I've got enough on my hands already."

Rina laughed. "Yeah, that's fair. So I was thinking that we'd check out the Southern Air Temple and see what my great grandfather has to say, then Omashu, then-"

"Wait, why all this?" Sokka asked. "I thought we'd just go straight to the North Pole."

"Sokka," Katara said, annoyed. "The North Pole is on the other end of the world. It's not exactly 'turn left at the next iceberg.' We'll need to make stops along the way."

"I know that," Sokka responded. "But why Omashu specifically?"

"Gran said that she has an ally there. And hey, it's in the Earth Kingdom. Maybe we can find an earthbending teacher for Katara."

Sokka accepted this logic and rummaged through his bag, looking for something. "Hey, who ate all the blubbered seal jerky?"

Rina looked at him guiltily. "I may have used it on the campfire last night. In my defense, I had no idea that was food."

"You what?" Sokka sighed. "No wonder the flames smelled so good."

"Look!" Katara yelled, breaking them out of their argument. The mountain ranges below were the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. The tall, jagged peaks rose well above the cloud layer, pale gray and covered with patches of green. And in the center of it all was the crown jewel: the Southern Air Temple.

"Wow," Rina whispered.

Even Sokka looked impressed.

Twisted turrets and winding paths formed the temple. It was beautiful, but there was an air of tragedy around it, too.

Katara recalled the stories she'd heard. "Rina," she said softly. "Just...prepare yourself for what's inside there, ok?"

Both of them knew what they would find.

A century ago, at the start of the war, the Fire Nation massacred the Air Nomads in order to kill the Avatar. The only survivor was Avatar Aang.


Zuko stood on the bow of his ship as it sailed into the harbor. "Uncle, I want the repairs made as quickly as possible," Zuko said. "I don't want to stay too long and risk losing her trail."

"You mean the Avatar?" Iroh clarified.

"Don't say her name on these docks," Zuko snapped. "Once word gets out that she's alive, every firebender will be out looking for her. I don't want anyone getting in the way."

"Getting in the way of what, Prince Zuko?" a man asked.

Zuko turned to see a man with a gray beard and a cold smile. "Captain Zhao."

"Commander Zhao," the man corrected. "And General Iroh." He bowed. "Great hero of our nation."

"Retired general," Iroh said.

"The Fire Lord's son and brother are welcome guests any time," Zhao said. "What brings you to my port?"

"Our ship is being repaired," Iroh said.

"That's quite a bit of damage," Zhao observed.

"Yes, you won't believe what happened," Zuko said. He glanced at Iroh. "Uncle! Tell Commander Zhao what happened."

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