The Warriors of Kyoshi

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Zuko meditated in his room, the height of the candle flames rising and falling with each breath.

The door opened.

"The only reason you should be bothering me is if you have news about the Avatar," Zuko said, not turning to face whoever it was.

"We do have news," Iroh said. "You may not like it, though."

"You always told me that keeping a level head was a trait of a leader."

"Alright." Iroh opened the map of all sightings of the Avatar. "We have no idea where she is."

"WHAT?" The flames rose quickly, and Zuko fought to regain control. "Give me the map!"

Taking the map from Iroh, he opened it, frowning. "The Avatar is clearly a master of evasive maneuvering."


"You have no idea where you're going, do you?" Sokka asked.

"I know it's near water," Rina defended.

"Good," said Sokka. "We must be getting close."

They were in the middle of the ocean.

"Look, Sang's getting tired," Rina said. "If we don't find Kyoshi Island soon, we're going down. Hey, Katara, do you think you could-"

"Don't bug her," Sokka said. "Aren't you supposed to give girls space as they work?"

Katara lowered her needle. "What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?"

"Simple," Sokka said with a shrug. "Girls are better at sewing and cooking and stuff than guys. And guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that. It's just the natural order of things."

Katara and Rina looked at each other.

"All done with your pants, Sokka," Katara said, tossing his pants back at him. "Look at what a great job I did."

"Wait!" Sokka protested, sticking a hand through the hole in his pants. "I can't wear this! I was just kidding! Katara, please!"

"Hey, there it is!" Rina yelled, breaking the argument. "Kyoshi Island. Let's go!"

Sang landed.

Rina scanned the water, and her face lit up. "Elephant koi!" She opened her glider and jumped, landing nimbly on the back of the koi.

"Wait!" Katara yelled as a black fins started to make its way towards the elephant koi. "There's something in the water!"

Rina spotted the fin and grinned, opening her glider.

"She's not," Sokka muttered.

Right as the fin surfaced, revealing a monstrous sea serpent, Rina jumped, soaring straight onto the serpent's head. 

"RINA!" Katara screamed. "Moon and ocean!"

"Come back!" Sokka yelled.

Rina sighed and opened her glider as she dodged the serpent's attempts to eat her. She glided down. "You guys are no fun."

"What were you thinking?" Katara growled, absolutely furious. "That was the stupidest thing I've seen, and I live with Sokka!"

"I love you too, sis."

"Seriously, what was that thing?"

Rina shrugged. "It wasn't in any of the twenty bajillion scrolls Gran made me study."

"Well, let's not stick around," Sokka grumbled.

Right on cue, five warriors dressed in green and black leapt down from the trees.

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