Book Two: Earth

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Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but fourteen years ago, he died. A hundred years have passed since the start of the war and I have discovered the new Avatar, a waterbender named Katara. And although her potential is great, she has a lot to learn before she's ready to save anyone.

But I believe Katara can save the world.


The Avatar State (PUBLISHED)
Katara and her friends meet an Earth Kingdom general who wants to use Katara's powerful 'Avatar State' as a weapon to defeat the Fire Nation.

The Cave of Two Lovers (PUBLISHED)
After the team gets caught in a cave-in, Katara and Rina have to trust in love to lead the way.

Return to Omashu (PUBLISHED)
The team returns to Omashu so that Katara can learn earthbending from King Bumi. However, when they get there, they are shocked to find that the city is in Fire Nation hands.

When the kids end up in a mysterious and strange swamp, their fears are exposed. And Katara learns about being 'connected to the earth' from a mysterious and strange teacher.

Avatar Day (PUBLISHED)
Katara and the team discover an Earth Kingdom town that celebrates Avatar Day. They learn that it is not a celebration of the Avatar, but a festival of anger for something Katara did in the past.

The Blind Bandit (PUBLISHED)
In search of an earthbending teacher for Katara, the team goes to an underground earthbending tournament where they encounter Toph, a blind but powerful earthbender.

Zuko Alone (PUBLISHED)
Traveling without his uncle, Zuko wanders alone into an Earth Kingdom town where he bonds with a local boy. Meanwhile, Zuko is haunted by memories of his youth.

As the team is pursued relentlessly by a powerful machine, their exhaustion puts them at each other's throats.

Bitter Work (PUBLISHED)
When Katara struggles to learn earthbending from Toph, she wonders if the problem is with her or her teacher. Meanwhile, Sokka gets himself into a jam.

The Library (PUBLISHED)
A professor leads the team to a spirit library in the middle of the desert, where Sokka hopes to discover powerful secrets to use against the Fire Nation.

The Desert (PUBLISHED)
Rina searches for Sang, while Katara struggles to keep everyone together so they can survive the desert. Meanwhile, Iroh and Zuko seek help from an ancient secret society.

The Serpent's Pass (PUBLISHED)
When the kids can't take the easy way to Ba Sing Se, they must escort a family of refugees the hard way, through the deadly Serpent's Pass.

Rina discovers a colossal Fire Nation invention headed for Ba Sing Se, and the team must stop it before it destroys the great wall that protects the city.

The City of Walls and Secrets (PUBLISHED)
The team tries to contact the Earth King, only to find mysterious forces conspiring to stop them. Meanwhile, Katara makes a new friend.

The Tales of Ba Sing Se (PUBLISHED)
A collection of short stories that explore the adventures of Rina and Toph, Iroh, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, and Tikaani. 

Sang's Lost Days (PUBLISHED)
Go back in time to the day Sang was stolen, find out exactly what happened to him, where he's been all this time, and where he is now.

Lake Laogai (PUBLISHED)
While searching for Sang, the team runs into Jet but are unsure whether to trust them or not.

The Earth King (PUBLISHED)
The kids battle Long Feng when they try to show the Earth King the conspiracy taking place in his city. Zuko becomes seriously ill as he has to decide between joining Katara or betraying her.

A guru at the Eastern Air Temple helps Katara take the next step in her Avatar journey. Plus, Rina finds her long-lost family, Azula hatches a diabolical plan, and Iroh and Zuko open a tea shop.

The Crossroads of Destiny (PUBLISHED)
Everyone races against time to stop Azula's sinister conquest of Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Sokka spend some time together, while Katara's destiny hangs in the balance, as does Zuko's.

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