Ruhi of the Air Nomads

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A/N Look at my wonderful art of the (canon) Avatars

The waves were loud, the sun was bright, the air was air, the trees were trees, Zuko was obsessed with honor, Rina was examining a broken glider.

"Airbenders were here," she said. She remembered the day she left with Anuri to search for the Avatar. She was only five years old at the time, still young and naive, but determined. "See if you guys can find anything else," she called to her friends.

"Why?" Katara asked. "Did you lose something?"

Rina shook her head and held up the glider. "I found something."

Sokka and Katara joined her in searching. Sokka pointed to a scorched tree. "Look at this."

"And this." Katara was standing by a small crater. She picked up an unlit stick of dynamite. "There was a battle here."

Sokka frowned. "There was a battle here. Air Nomads ambushed a group of firebenders." He began to walk downhill, examining the tracks. "The firebenders fought back, but they were driven down. I'm guessing they had explosives-"

Rina's heart leapt. "No. The firebenders didn't have explosives. We did. Malu and Ruhi." She picked up the broken glider. "I think this was Ruhi's glider. Malu was an explosives expert for the Fire Army before she deserted. Is there anything else?"

"I don't know," Sokka said. "The trail ends here."

"My family was here." Rina couldn't stop the smile from forming.


"Ahh!" Iroh took a sip of tea. "See, Prince Zuko, a moment of quiet is good for your mental well-being."

Just as Zuko raised the cup to take a drink, the ship jolted, spilling the tea. Zuko looked out the window and saw a young woman riding a shirshu.

"Get back!" the woman ordered. "We're after a stowaway!" Members of the crew scattered as the wolf-like creature snarled.

"There are no stowaways on my ship." Zuko stormed on deck.

The shirshu ripped away part of the deck and began sniffing around the hold. A barrel tipped over, revealing a man. He desperately tried to crawl onto the foredeck, but the shirshu's tongue whipped his neck. He stopped moving.

"He's paralyzed," Zuko noted.

"Only temporarily." She picked the man up. "The toxins will wear off in about an hour. But by then, he'll be in jail and I'll have my money."

"But how did you find him on my ship?"

She patted the beast. "My shirshu can smell a rat a continent away." She cracked her whip and the shirshu bolted off down the dock.


8 years ago

"You're going to need to jump one of these days."

Aunt Jinora, Uncle Meelo, Rohan, Seling, and Ruhi were all whooping as they soared beneath the cliff. Three-year-old Rina wished she could join them, but each time she approached the cliff, she got dizzy from the height.

Aunt Ikki put her arm around Rina. "I know it's scary, but it's super fun once you get past the fear."

Rina hugged her legs. "I can't."

They had been in a battle a few months ago. Fire Nation soldiers ambushed them. During the fight, Aunt Jinora pushed one soldier off a cliff.

Rina knew that it was only in self defense, but his screams as he fell haunted her dreams, and she hadn't been able to stand heights ever since.

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