Tales of the Western Air Temple

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"This is humiliating," Katara said as the group trudged through the ground, under the blazing hot sun.

"Do you mean getting thoroughly spanked by the Fire Nation?" Sokka asked, "Or having to walk all the way to the Western Air Temple?"


"Sorry, guys," Seling muttered. "Cherry and Sang get tired too."

"I wonder how the rest of the troops are," Teo said.

Malu shrugged. "On their way to prison." Her voice had the calmness of someone who was still in shock.

Haru wiped his brow. "My dad just got out, and now he's going back in."

"I miss Pipsqueak," the Duke said.

"I miss not having blisters on my feet," Sokka said under his breath.

Toph stomped her foot. "Hey, we're here! I can feel it."

Teo looked up. "No offense Toph, but I think your feet need their eyes checked."

"No, she's right," Rina said. "We're here."

The Western Air Temple was exactly as Katara remembered it: upside down. The overhangs of the pagodas served as terraces, and terraces served as overhangs. The statues seemed to be carved into the cliffs.

It was so beautiful. And so sad.


"What a stunning view," Iroh said.

Thirteen-year-old Zuko scowled, a bandage over his still-healing eye. "The only view I'm interested in seeing is the Avatar in chains."

"You know, the Avatar is the most powerful person in the world. Even if they haven't discovered who they are. I doubt you'll find the Avatar here."

"First we'll check the Air Temples. Then all the known hideouts of Avatar Aang. Then the Water Tribes. Then we'll scour the world until we find the Avatar."

"Prince Zuko, it's only been a week since your banishment. You should take some time to heal."

Zuko whirled around. "What else would I expect from the laziest man in the Fire Nation? The only way to regain my honor is to find the Avatar! And so I will."


Zuko shook his head at the memory as his war balloon floated over the Western Air Temple.


"It's so different from the Northern Air Temple," Teo said, marveling at the statues. "I wonder if there are any secret rooms."

"Let's go check it out!" Haru gestured for the Duke to follow him as he bent the stairs into a ramp for Teo.

"You should go with them," Malu said to Seling. Seling nodded numbly and followed the boys up the ramp. She waited until he was gone and then turned to the team. "Alright, what's the plan?"

"The plan?" Katara asked.

Sokka shrugged. "I figured that the old plan is the new plan. Katara masters all four elements and confronts the Fire Lord before Sozin's Comet."

"Oh, yeah, that's great." She threw a rock off the cliff. "I'll do just that."

"Katara, no one said it'll be easy," Rina said.

"It won't even be possible! We left both my options for firebending teachers back at Caldera!"

Malu shrugged. "I'm not a firebender, but I hung out with plenty, back in my army days. Maybe I could figure something out-"

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