The King of Omashu

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"The city of Omashu," Rina proclaimed, gesturing to the city before her. "This might seem familiar to you, Katara. According to Gran, Avatar Aang came here all the time before the war."

"Wow," Katara breathed. At least Rina had explained the sense of deja vu she'd felt. "We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"Buildings that don't melt," Sokka whispered, sounding awestruck. 

"Come on, guys!" Rina called. "Hopefully this recruitment will go better than Kyoshi!"

"Recruitment?" Sokka asked.

"We've got to find Bumi, a member of Aang's team," Rina explained. "He's a crazy-powerful earthbender. I've never met him, but Ruhi, Nenzahn, and Seling all have. They love him."

"Wait," Sokka said. "Katara, if you're Avatar Aang, does that mean you're Rina's great-grandfather or-"

"Let's get going, young whippersnappers!" Katara mimicked Gran-Gran's voice. It took some effort, as she hadn't heard it since she was eight. "The great city awaits!"


"I've heard so many stories about Omashu," Rina said. "Apparently the people here are the friendliest in the world."

"Rotten cabbages?" a guard demanded as he inspected a merchant's cabbage cart. "What slum do you think this is?"

He stomped his foot and a rock knocked the cart off the path.

"My cabbages!" the merchant wailed.

"Just keep smiling," Rina said, the grin widening to the point it looked painful.

"State your business!" the guard demanded as the trio approached the merchant, leaving the merchant wailing over his cabbages. Tikaani was walking beside them, camouflaging himself.

"We're here to visit an old family friend," Rina said. "I'm Bonza...Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. The third."

"Hi," Katara said, rolling with the lie. "June Pippinpaddleopsicopolis. Nice to meet you. This is my brother, Wang."

"Wang?" Sokka hissed. Katara stepped on his foot.

"Well, you three seem like responsible young children," the guard said, smiling as if he hadn't just destroyed some poor merchant's cabbage cart. "Enjoy the city."


"Wow," Katara breathed. The city was gigantic. A rail system transported goods from the tall earthen buildings.

"This is the Omashu delivery system," Rina said, pointing to the track. "Miles and miles of tubes and chutes. Earthbending brings them up, gravity brings them down."

"Great, so they get their mail on time," Sokka said.

"They do," Rina agreed. "But according to my cousins, there's a better use."


103 years ago

"Look at that." Bumi gestured to the delivery system. "Tell me, Aang, what do you see?"

"A delivery system?" Aang asked, confused.

"Look closer," Bumi insisted.

"A mail chute?" Aang tried again.

"No!" Bumi led them to an empty cart and sat down, gesturing for Aang to do the same. "A ride!" He jerked his hand down, and a rock knocked their cart forward. "See, Aang, you have to stop seeing what they want you to see and open your mind up to the possibilities."

Aang laughed as the cart rocketed down the slope. "You're right, Bumi."

Bumi snort-laughed. "When am I not?"

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