Lake Laogai

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Katara and Rina rushed into the house. "We found a printer to make our posters!"

Sokka scowled as he held up his artwork. "I thought that drawing the 'lost Sang' posters was my job! I've been working all day on my Sang!"

Rina frowned as she studied it. "Sokka, the arrow is on Sang's head."

"That is his head!"

Katara studied the drawing. "Why are feet coming out of his head?"

"Those are his horns!"

"It looks just like him to me," Toph called from where she was reclining on the couch.

"Thank you, Toph. I worked really...why do you feel the need to do this?"

Katara laughed. "Let's just stick with the professional version."

Rina beamed as Sokka growled and ripped up his drawings. "Come on! Let's go!"


A wealthy man surrounded by bodyguards accepted a cup of tea. "So you're the genius behind this incredible brew. I hope Pao pays you well."

Iroh smiled. "Good tea is it's own reward."

"But it doesn't have to be the only reward. How would you like your very own tea shop?"

Iroh gasped. "My own tea shop? This is a dream come true!"

Pao realized what was happening. "What's going on here? Are you trying to poach my tea maker?"

The man shrugged. "Sorry, Pao. That's business for you, am I right."

"Mushi, if you stay, I'll make you assistant manager! Wait, senior assistant manager!"

"I'll provide you with a new apartment in the Upper Ring. The tea shop will be yours to do whatever you want. Complete creative freedom."

Iroh lit up. "I even get to name it?"

"Of course!"

Pao was getting desperate. "Uh, senior executive assistant manager?"

Iroh set the tea pot in Pao's hands and he and the man bowed. Then Zuko crossed over to see what the fuss was about. "Did you hear, nephew? This man wants to give us our own tea shop in the Upper Ring!"

"That's right, young man! Your life is about to change for the better!"

Zuko scowled. "I'll try to contain my joy." He stepped outside for some fresh air.

And then a poster landed on his head.


Rina returned to the house. "I just finished dropping all the leaflets. Has anyone come with news about Sang?"

"Rina, be patient," Katara said. Right then, someone knocked on the door.

Rina lit up and opened it, to be faced with Joo Dee. The first Joo Dee.

Joo Dee had her usual eerie grin. "Hello, Katara, Rina, Sokka, Toph."

"What happened?" Sokka asked, noticing that Joo Dee was back to how they'd first seen her. "Did the Dai Li throw you in jail?"

"What? Jail? Of course not! The Dai Li are the protectors of our cultural heritage."

Toph frowned. "But you disappeared at the Earth King's party."

"Oh, I simply took a short vacation to Lake Laogai, out in the country. It was quite relaxing!"

Sokka raised an eyebrow.

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