Nightmares and Daydreams

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"This is it," Sokka said as they walked up to a field of sleeping koala sheep. "This is the rendezvous for the invasion."

"How did you pick this place?" Toph asked.

"It's uninhabited," Zuko explained. "And the harbor surrounded by cliffs seemed like a good spot."

Katara nodded approvingly. "Nice choice. And we're here four days ahead schedule...Wait."

"What?" Rina asked.

"The invasion's in four days?"

Sokka shrugged. "Yeah."

"Well, we're here already. I guess the best thing we can do is get plenty of rest."


Katara jumped onto a rock tower surrounded by floating pillars. "Your days of tyranny are over, Fire Lord! I'm bringing you down!"

Fire Lord Ozai was about ten times her size and he sneered as he leaned in. "Really? How do you plan on doing that when you don't even have any pants?"

Katara looked down and gasped when she realized it was true.



Katara rubbed her forehead. She was still wearing pants. "Well that was a weird dream." She got back down, but her mind was too frazzled to rest. "I guess I should train, huh?"


"Fresh fruit, Princess Azula?"

"May I wash your feet, my lady?"

"Head massage, Princess?"

"Hot towel?"

Azula rubbed a towel on her face and put it back in the bowl. She walked out and entered the palanquin waiting for her. Ty Lee's house was a comically short distance away, but she'd never turn down a good palanquin ride.

Azula pulled aside the curtain and waved to Ty Lee, who beamed at her from an ornate window.


"Hey, how long have you been up?" Zuko asked, walking up to Katara as she practiced a series of kicks and punches.

"A couple hours. I've got a lot more skills to refine if I'm going to fight Ozai."

"You know, there is a such thing as over-training."

Katara kicked a tree too hard and fell to the ground. "You don't get it. My form is sloppy. And I still don't know any firebending."

"You won't need it during the eclipse. And aren't you usually the one chastising me for over-exerting myself?"

"You're not the Avatar. I can't waste any time! I've got to spend the whole day training."


Katara entered the throne room, double-checking to make sure she was wearing pants. She was. Good.

"Your days of tyranny are over, Fire Lord! I'm bringing you down, and this time I brought pants!"

"So it seems." Then a giant abacus fell from the sky. "But are you prepared for your mathematics test?"

Katara gasped. "Math test? Oh no! I forgot all about the math test!" She screamed as she was crushed between the abacus beads.


"I've got to be ready!"


Rina was the one who woke up this time. "Katara, it's the middle of the night."

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