"Sanji" Sanji turn to see Gin's head bow down in shame refuse to look at him.

"S-Sanji I'm...I'm sorry I...didn't mean for this to happen" Sanji can sense in his voice that he's truly guilty of all of this then he Patty yelling at him, pointing his accusing finger at him.


After much thought Sanji slowly stood up, brushing invisible dusts off of his suit and then walks away to the swirling staircase when Patty stopped him by saying.

"Hey! Where'd you think you're going?" Sanji stood silent for a moment till he turns to side glance at Patty as he wipes the trail of blood on his side of his lip.

"To the kitchen, of course...it looks like I'll be cooking hundred more meals today" After he emitted one sentence all the Cook were taken by surprise even Luffy and Gin were all shocked to hear.

"WHAT!? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" all the Cooks yelled all together while Krieg smirked as if he won the battle.

"Good, hop to it" he commanded.

Before Sanji can take a step when he's suddenly all the Cooks surround him, each pointing their weapons at him and blocking him from going anywhere.

"Tell us the truth Sanji, are you his spy or something?" one of the Cook said.

"We can't let you go through that kitchen; we grew tired of your acting insane" Sanji can see the look of doubt written on their forehead clear as day, and it surprises him to see them so hostile against him, he guessed he can't really blame them for acting that way. The Chefs kept their eyes stuck at Sanji till they saw Sanji spread his arms wide open and said.

"Go right ahead, stop me!" he said so bluntly and the Chefs were flabbergasted.

"I know...that Don Krieg is terrible, ruthless man but...that doesn't matter to me. It doesn't matter after we feed all these men who know what's going to happen. I'm just a simple Cook no more no less if someone going hungry is my duty to feed them that's all I know...so what'd you say? That I'm wrong" he said coolly then he feels throbbing pain on his head as if he got hit by anvil and fell with a thud, the Chefs gasped when they found out it was Patty who hit Sanji.

"Sanji, I know you feed the people I chase off. Maybe you are right to do that sometimes, but I can't sit idly by and let them raid our ship, we'll protect this Restaurant." said Patty pointing accusingly at Sanji and at the same time he pulled out lobster-shaped bazooka from under the staircase that has a secret door.

"Luckily, Don Krieg is just one man army, so we always fully prepared to defend this Restaurant to any Pirate even Krieg" he said confidently as he is pointing his bazooka at Krieg.

"I hope you have room for dessert because I have a secret recipe, and it's to DIE FOR! MEATBALL OF DOOM!" with that said Patty pulled the trigger and the blazing cannonball bang into Krieg with a powerful explosion; everyone shielded their eyes from the blast till everything is covered in smoke and Patty grinned, obviously won.

"I might've broken the door I just hoped Head-Chef Zeff won't yell at me this time."

"Don't worry about it though, Zeff might go easy on you since you saved the Restaurant, and all." his buddy Crane said but Luffy had a feeling he was still alive. And she was right unfortunately when they heard a familiar voice in the smoke.

"That dessert was awful, the worse I ever had!" To everyone's shock and horror; Krieg removed his fur coat to reveal his gold-painted steel armor that must've protected him from the cannon ball but there's more, Krieg unveil his array of guns under his armor and two pistols on each hand.

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