Mr. XM

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Name: XM

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Name: XM

Aliases: Mr. XM, Mario, XMario

Height: 7' 10"

Weight: 235 lbs

Age: Unknown

Personality: Devious, Malicious, Tyrannical

Likes: Manipulating others, torturing souls, chili

Dislikes: Nuisances, those who refuse to play his games

Bio: Mr. XM is a demonic creature inhabiting the world of Mario and resides in a game remaster

  There was a fan made remaster of the classic Mario game, made in a 3D Engine. The creator of the game in the credits states it was made by a man named Kyou Taiki.

  When playing the game, it's what you would expect: a fan made remaster of the original Super Mario Bros game, though it almost looked like a New Super Mario Bros game at the same time.

  The game plays as normal, until 1-2. When exiting the cave level, the sun looked like it started to set. Okay, it could be a day/night cycle implemented to keep the viewer's interests. No big deal.

  However, a big red flag occurs in 1-3. At the end of the level, the moon is seen rising... and it started to glow red? This seems like a random event, unless it was some lunar eclipse in game. Odd why that would be though, why not make it just a normal moon?

  However, when reaching 1-4, that's when all alarms start going off. Instead of just being in front of the final castle of the world, the player is seen walking down a dark path, with wilted trees and destroyed bricks. All the while a voice speaks...

  "Are you having fun? I am..."

  "But, I admit, doing the same schtick can get stale, don't you agree?"

  "Well then... Let's try something different... shall we?"

  As soon as the player reaches the castle, Mario is seen in front of it, staring. Then, something starts to cover the moon, which blackened the area for a minute, until the bloody red moon became an eclipse.

  Then, in Mario's place stood a taller, more menacing being. It stared at the player character, then smiled maliciously, as he pointed his finger up, flame forming right about their nail.

  "Are you ready?"

More Info:

  Mr. XM likes to play the role of Mario like Xore with Sonic. Unlike Xore however, XM isn't afraid to drop the act.

  Despite his malicious intent, hes also a gentleman. If the player is stressed with his game, he'll advise them to take a break for a minute...

  ...though this doesn't mean hes 100% merciful. It's just within his nature to be gentlemanly and offer advice. He's still a threat regardless.

  He has a personal distaste for many Sonic EXEs, say for a few exceptions, like Lord X, Xore, Yan.Love, and EXE (Faker).

  It's somewhat hard to annoy him, but you don't want to see him angry.

  He often finds EXEs cliche, so he tends to explore new ways to keep his game interesting.

  Theres not much meaning in the "X" in his name. XM is a name he refers to himself as. He also refers to himself as K̵͍͝y̵̡̚o̸̤̓ŭ̸̧ ̴͉̍T̷̻̓à̸͎i̶͎͛k̴̫̂i̶̖͑

  The body XM has is not a vessel of Mario he resides in. It's a physical body he manifested which takes a similar appearance.

Scaling: Why do you-a need to know?


Hellfire: XM can manipulate hellfire to his will, either using it to incinerate the souls of his victims or summon it for background detail.

Reality Altering: XM is in complete control of the dimensions in his world. Should he enter other worlds, his reality warping capabilities will become limited.

Power Ups: While technically not needing them, XM can summon and use any power up he chooses, which boost his capabilities (Ex. Fire Flower makes his regular flames more powerful, the Super Star gives him invincibility (how long it lasts is dependent on his liking, but he needs to obtain the star in order to do this), and the Rock Mushroom creates a nigh unstoppable stone golem of himself.).

4th Wall Awareness: Like many EXEs, hes aware of the outside world, and tends to mess with and manipulate others in many cruel ways.

Flight: XM has the ability to hover over the ground to chase down his victims.


-XM has considered making his physical appearance in the shape of Wario, but then thought twice about sticking with a Wario-like appearance. He doesn't it a gentlemanly appearance, but he has tried it to see how it felt, and he had mixed feelings for it.

-The eye on XM's tie can actually move.

-XM would 100% be a dog person. Nothing against cats, but he favors canines more.

-XM does have two alternate forms, his Infuriated Form and his True Form (the infuriated form is a bridge between his physical and true forms).

-XM finds Xore and Yan.Love as great friends and companions.

His Theme: Let's-a play

His Song:

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