General Klaaw

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Name: Klaaw

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Name: Klaaw

Aliases: Zamil Klaaw, Marauder

Height: 10' 8"

Weight: 1,786 lbs

Age: Unknown

Personality: Cold, silent, merciless

Likes: Killing the humans of Sera, serving Queen Myrrah, his Locust brethren.

Dislikes: The thought of betrayal, humans, the COG

Rank: Zamil

Mounts: Brumak, Reaver

Bio: General Klaaw is a vicious general of the Locust horde.

  Klaaw grew up as any normal Locust would. He grew up, pondering on what the surface was like, since he practically spent most of his life in the Hollow with the rest of his kind.

  However, when he trained and fought his way to the higher ranks from Maag to Krav, he got the chance to see what the surface was like.

  From all the stories by the priests and the dreams of his fellow kind, he was fairly curious on what the surface was like. For all he knew, these Humans, or ground walkers as they referred them to, could be like them.

  When he first step foot upon the surface, everything was peaceful. People chatting while having coffee, kids playing, everything was nice.

  His introduction to the fellow sapiens felt foreign at first, but they grew to favor Klaaw, and he even made a friend with one of Humans. Thing turned out alright. Since the Lambent situation was growing worse, maybe they could live together, coexisting with each other even.

  However, this mindset soon changed when he first heard of the Pendulum Wars.

  During a council meeting, Klaaw was informed that humans were at war with each other, killing each other. This left Klaaw confused. That's not what he saw. He saw everyone being joyous, not violent. Why is it that he now hears about Humans killing each other? Was it a lie?

  This left Klaaw to change his view on the Humans, and once promoted to Zamil, lead a charge to kill off many of the human scum, including his human friend, in which he was hesitant on, but there was no in between; it was either serve the horde, or save his friend.

  Ultimately, he chose the ladder, killing his friend during one of his raids.  He left his view behind. Back then, they were a friend. But during E-Day, they were an enemy, and as such, was eliminated.

  This didn't stop Klaaw though, as he set his past friendship aside and left that behind in an abyss. This pushed Klaaw into eliminating more of the human scum, serving under the queen.

More Info:

  Klaaw greatly respects those like Raam, Skorge and Queen Myrrah.

  Klaaw has kept some items from fallen COG soldiers as trophies, like Lancers and even some heads.

  The scars on Klaaw's face were from a Berserker, one which he took down with little struggle.

Scale: Building


Merciless Strength: Klaaw is very strong for a locust, able to move tanks out of the way like they were nothing. He's even taken a few Berserkers before.

Durable Hide: Klaaw is a tank, able to survive multiple frags, bullet wounds and even a nearby bolt or two from a Torque Bow.

General Command: Klaaw is tactical in battle, always thinking of ways to successfully defeat his enemies, assessing the situation at hand and thinking of any countermeasures.

Arsenal: Klaaw wields a hidden serrated knife underneath his flaps, a modified Hammerburst, and a Breechshot. He has utilized other weapons like the Boomshot, but those are his primary weapons.


-While Brumaks are typically 39 feet tall when fully grown, Klaaw's Brumak stands at 46 feet.

-Klaaw's design was somewhat inspired by Raam.

-The names of Klaaw's mounts are Wyvern (Reaver) and Jugulis (Brumak)

His Theme: Clawed Scars

His Song:

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