Queen!Neoverse Iris

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Name: Queen!Neoverse Iris

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Name: Queen!Neoverse Iris

Aliases: Galactic Queen, Iris, Mint Chocolate lover

Height: 5' 2"

Weight: 134.5 lbs

Age: 10,000

Personality: Queenly, charming, sweet

Likes: Mint Chocolate

Dislikes: tyranny, war, fighting

Bio: Queen!Neoverse Iris is the Queen and ruler of the Neoverse's Multiverse.

  Not much is known about Iris. She seemingly appeared one day, and graced everyone in her presence, announcing how she was the Queen of the Multiverse.

  This left everyone questioning her existence at first, even CORE!Frisk was confused. But she assured everyone that she had no cruel intentions and that she would help bring nourishment and prosperity to the Multiverse, should they pledge to her or not.

  CORE!Frisk then confronted Iris to see if she was legitimate or not. As the two interacted, CORE concluded that Iris wasn't a threat, and welcomed them.

  However, because of the break between Error and Ink, CORE decided to keep this information a secret from them, because they didn't want conflict to arise again.

More info:

  It is said that the galaxies and stars on her body are seperate universes. Iris even confirmed this herself.

  There are times that Iris visits the Omega!Timeline, usually as a check up to see how everyone is doing.

Scale: Complex Multiversal


Galactic Blasters: These blasters have a more galactic presence, having a galactic jaw and when fired, a galactic beam is blasted at incalculable speeds.

Strings: Iris can use string that have a galactic appearance.

Constellation Rays: With this, Iris can summon any constellation that will blast rays at an opponent rapid fire. She can also shoot these beams from her own hands.

The Lullaby: This lullaby Iris sings is so powerful it can put Critical404 himself to sleep. This has other purposes, like putting people to sleep and healing them if they had any injury. This is likely her most powerful move.

Luce Stellarum: Iris's light can be bright enough to blind an enemy in combat, whether it be a temporary flash or a permanent blur. Her light can also be used as a sort of lantern in places like a void, no matter the strength of darkness. This light is emitted by the stars and galaxies on her body.

Speed: Iris can move up to thousands  of times the speed of light, and even greater. However she doesn't display faster feats often. 

Galactic Strength: Iris can move galaxies and constellations due to her more cosmic powers.

The Oath of Purity:

"Life is that of a star. It births, it lives, it dies. Beauty can be found in this and multiple in the constellation, and that can be found throughout the cosmos. I am the seeker of peace, for I was gifted to be Queen of a new start. Thus I was born as the Queen of the Neoverse."

Virtue of Purity: The Oath is similar to that of King!Multiverse's Oath. The Oath of Purity is used in a more graceful manner however. It does connect those who read it to her soul like KM, but Iris uses this as a way to grant peace and purity to those who pledge themselves to her.

Denial: Just like King!Multiverse, Iris is immune to any form of buttons.

Dream Tap: Iris has the ability to tap into one's dreams, as well as become present within those dreams. She doesn't like to change dreams unless nightmares occur.

Dream Manipulation: Iris can change many aspects of the one's dream as she pleases.


-Iris' blush actually contains the galactic appearance she has.

-While the outside of her hair appear to have galaxies, interesting the inside of her hair appears as a sort of pale-ish light blue.

-Iris loves Mint Chocolate so much that she can be seen having a Mint Chocolate milkshake.

-Iris' rule is much different compared to King Multiverse's. Where King Multiverse is a cold tyrant, Iris is gentle and soft queen.

-Each spot on Iris' body containing galaxies are said to contain their own individual universes.

-Iris is aware of the fact that there are different Multiverses and even Omniverses. That is all she knows though.

Her Theme: Cosmic Queen

Her Song:

(Alphatale belongs to Shadikal15/Team Lavender)

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