Taiga the Deer

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Name: Taiga

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Name: Taiga

Aliases: Deery

Height: 3' 7"

Weight: 80 lbs

Age: 18

Personality: Kind, wholesome, curious

Likes: Snow, snowflakes, clouds, rain, thunderstorms, flowers.

Dislikes: Overly hot weather, thunderstorms.

Bio: Taiga the Deer is a mobian who lived in the snowy region of the Snowfield Forest, living in Snowridge Town.

  Taiga was born in the snowy forest of Snowfield Forest, growing up in the snowy woods. Life for her was well.

  She was an adventurous doe, always enjoying new sights she's never seen before. However, when she was around 16, she then started explore much further, soon leaving Snowfield Forest to see what other adventures awaited her.

  However, during this curious adventure of hers, she was encountered by badniks sent out by Dr. Eggman. Not knowing what to do, she started to run, to badniks giving chase. After a while when it seemed like she couldn't shake them off, she then charged back, deciding the fight them off.

  With the use of her antlers and raming technique, she managed to stand her ground. It was difficult for her, given she was facing a threat she hadn't faced before.

  However, she did get knocked down by some of the badniks, and just when she thought they were gonna get her, she was saved by a certain blue blur.

  "Heh, that looked rough. Egghead's sure not gonna stop sending those guys out anytime soon. You alright?" Sonic asked.

  "Y-yeah, I'm fine, thanks," Taiga said. "Wait...are you...are you Sonic? Sonic the Hedgehog?" She then asked.

  "Hehe, in the flesh," Sonic replied, rubbing his nose. "Question from me though, what are you doing out here?"

  "Well, I'm an adventurous doe myself," she gave an awkwardly giggle. "An adventurous person? I can respect that, I'm quite adventurous myself," Sonic said.

  The two then chatted, before the the two went their own ways, as she headed back home.

  From there on, she soon became friends with Sonic after they met up, and eventually with the others like Tails and Knuckles.

More Info:

  Taiga likes to make flower crowns. It's one of her hobbies. :)

  She is great friends with Sonic and others. Though, Shadow is a different story.

Scale: Continental


Cryokinesis: Taiga can manipulate ice, snow and other forms of frozen water to her will.

Spin Dash: Taiga can perform a spin dash, and given her antlers, this allows for greater range when charging at opponents.

Speed: Taiga is a fast doe, going fast enough to catch up with characters like Tails.

Ram: With her antlers combined with her speed, Taiga can perform a high speed ram to her opponents. This ram is quite powerful if used right.

Swimming: Taiga is a great swimmer, being able to swim up to 20 miles per hour, and has a lot of stamina in the water.

Chaos Energy: With the powers of the Chaos Emeralds (if they were to be obtained), It is possible for her to become Super Taiga


-Originally, Taiga was gonna be a snow fox, before being changed to a deer during sketches.

-If Taiga were to have a Hyper form, it would likely be dubbed, "Snowstorm Taiga"

-Taiga can jump very high, around 12 feet.

Her Theme: Snowfall

Her Song:

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