"So what'd you think?"

"It's cute!" said Luffy said happily.

"It's lovely" Nami is impressed.

"This is the coolest place ever" Usopp stated.

"HAHA, I knew you guys gonna like this, just you wait till you see inside it" said Johnny, and Yosaku who just woke up just in time hungry, he can't wait to taste their foods, but then they heard a booming sound coming from another ship next to them and it happened to be a Marine ship.

"What the? A Marine ship, at the place like this" Yosaku got freaked out to see it.

"H-hey, there not going to fire at us, are they?" Usopp asked also freaked out.

"Hmph, just our luck." said Zoro looking frustrated.

"But wh-when did they…" Nami didn't finish it when she sees Johnny is tip toeing away to hide, then someone on the Marine ship had made his appearance; he's an average sized Marine that wore a purple pinstripe suit. His hair is pink, well combed, and he had a scar under his eye.

"I never seen this Pirate flag before" the man muttered, he got a closer look at the pirate mark.

It was a simple Jolly Roger with a strawhat and a Pokeball behind it to symbolize Luffy's Pokémon.

The marine eyed at each person on board; he even caught two men hiding behind the door, he put his hand on the railing showing them his Knuckle Dusters on his knuckles.

"I'm Iron-Fist Fullbody…but you can call me sir I demand to see your Captain and state its name" Fullbody demanded; Luffy stepped forward and then said to him.

"Sorry for the confusion. We were on a voyage but encountered two pirate groups. We had to blend in." Luffy lied getting Fullbody's surprised expression.

"I see. That explains why I never seen that mark. At least take it down soon." Fullbody bought it.

"Quick thinking." Everyone else whispered.

Luffy smiled as she got her crew to dock.


Luffy assured the others she had money for the restaurant thanks to being raised by mountain bandits. As they ate, they also got a dinner and a show when a man dressed in a smart suit and blonde hair fought Fullbody.

Then one of  Fullbody's men came yelling.

"Lieutenant Fullbody! W-we've got trouble! He escaped; Don Krieg's right handed man has attacked us and vanished" the Marine yelled in panic.

"He what!? Impossible! When we picked him up three days ago, he was on the verge of starving to death, and we haven't fed him anything at all" he said with disbelief and the Marine bow his head averting eyes contact, feeling ashamed.

The people were shocked and frighten to hear the man who escaped is none other than one of Don Krieg's men, the man who said to be known as the strongest Pirate of all the East Blue and ruler as well making everyone terrified of him even when they uttered his name.

One blond man's expression was unreadable but Luffy can see his eye is clear with rage and disgust at Fullbody for letting the man starve till he dies.

"I'm sorry, sir I…" before the Marine could've said more before he was shot on the back to his heart, and the Marine fell dead and on the doorway, a man who holds out his gun is one who killed him.

The people backed away from the man as he walks in, the Chefs, Sanji, Luffy and her other Crew don't seem all that scared, just curious. Fullbody who had witnessed one of his men got shot and see the man that he captured is coming his way, he dare not move and turn away not making eye contact as his body shook but sigh in relief when the man has passed him by, Sanji inspect the guy after he got up from kneeling and let go of her hands. The man looks like a living corpse, all skin and bones, and he look awfully sick and haven't bathed; he has blood on his face and has dark circles under his eyes.

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