「 scared to win, scared to lose 」

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scared to win, scared to lose


No one in particular,


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'You don't ever have to be stronger
than you really are
When you're lying in my arms, baby
You don't ever have to go faster
than your fastest pace
Or faster than my fastest cars

And, honey, you don't ever have to
act cooler than you think you should
You're brighter than the brightest stars

You're scared to win, scared to lose
I've heard the war was over if you really choose
The one in and around you
You hate the heat, you got the blues
Changing like the weather,
Oh, that's so like you'

          A new portrait had joined the ranks of the dead headmasters and headmistresses of Hogwarts: Dumbledore was slumbering in a golden frame over the desk, his half-moon spectacle perched upon his crooked nose, looking peaceful and untroubled.

After glancing once at this portrait, McGonagall made an odd movement as though steeling herself, then rounded the desk to look at Harry, her face taut and lined.
"Harry, " she said, "I would like to know what you and Professor Dumbledore were doing this evening when you left the school. "

"I can't tell you that, Professor, " Harry said quickly.

It had been here, in this very room, that Dumbledore had told him that he was to confide the contents of their lessons to nobody but Ron and Hermione.

"Harry, it might be important, " McGonagall frowned.

"It is, " Harry said evenly, "very, but he didn't want me to tell anyone. "

Professor McGonagall glared at him.

"Potter, in the light of Professor Dumbledore's death, I think you must see that the situation has changed somewhat— "

"I don't think so, " he shrugged, "Professor Dumbledore never told me to stop following his orders if he died. "

"But— "

"There's one thing you should know before the Ministry gets here though. Madam Rosmerta's under the Imperius Curse, she was helping Malfoy and the Death Eaters, that's how the necklace and the poisoned mead— "

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