「 frozen in amber 」

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frozen in amber


No one in particular,


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'Some go and some stay behind
Some never move at all
Girl in amber trapped forever,
spinning down the hall
Let no part of her go unremembered,
clothes across the floor
Girl in amber lumber slumber
shuts the bathroom door
The phone, the phone, the phone it rings,
it rings, it rings no more
The song, the song, the song
it spins since nineteen ninety-four

And now in turn, you turn
You kneel, lace up his shoes,
your little honey-eyed boy
Take him by his hand, go move
and spin him down the hall
I knew the world it would stop spinning
now since you've been gone
I used to think that when you died
you kind of wandered the world
In a slumber till you crumbled,
were absorbed into the earth'

Of late, Cedric had been impulsive, desperate and impassioned.

Hera was confused as to his behaviour and briefly wondered if his changed outlook was a result of the third task. What confused her was that this was what he had wanted all along — he had a good chance of winning, and now he was hours away from it, he seemed reluctant, angry even.

Time was slipping from their very hands as if an hourglass had been dropped at their feet, the glass remains shattering, colouring them with glittering shards.
Through all this, there was a moment — if that — where all seemed to be slowing down...

They were holed up in his dormitory just as they had been so many times this year, lying in his bed with the covers half-tumbling off the bed.

Cedric seemed particularly anxious — in all the years she'd known him, Hera couldn't remember Cedric ever biting his nails.
Their conversation acted as a guard for their intimacy; if they uttered what they thought it might be too much, too soon.
The question was whether or not they would ever get around to saying what needed to be said...

"Don't worry, Ced, tomorrow it'll all be over and— "
Cedric's heart was pounding against his chest as Hera laid her head on him.

He was still somewhat tense but allowed a quiet snicker to fall from his lips,
"I don't want to go yet, " he uttered.

"I still don't like that you entered this in the first place, but I do hope you win, " Hera said in a small voice, her fingers tracing the fabric of his shirt.

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