「 death song 」

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death song


No one in particular,


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'You are my God, you are my dog
You kept me close, love never lost
I called you hippie, you said fuck off
Said your brother's a real punk rocker
Something's going to happen
Something very soon
Transcending flesh could be a breeze
Sending me, Lord, over the moon

Friends near death, you gave respect
Sympathetic intellect
Choices are for one and all
All we are is leaves that fall, that's all
Water flowing and I will drink it
I will drink for you
A part of me left that only you knew
Will never be understood'

The idea of death had been perpetual in the Potters lives, that could be said beyond just Harry and Hera. Once she'd accepted the possibility
of her demise, at times even sought it out herself, with alarming frequency. For what she could honestly say was the first time in her life, Hera Potter was unwilling to accept hers so soon.

Godric's Hollow meant very different things between the two, a paradox of sorts in the lives that had ended and began in the family's first home.
Hera was far less inclined to call it home as Harry might though understood its significance might've been somewhat skewed in his mind as a result of the change that had ensued because of it.

Until that point — the tender age of fifteen months — Harry's home had always been with James and Lily, while Hera had been shifted around owing to the inconvenience her very existence brought the family. Not that she blamed them, though she struggled to recall their faces she loved them still — James' skin uncharacteristically pale as though china; Lily having assumed her husband and firstborn dead along the corridor of their cottage as she awaited her demise.

Home by Hera's standard was almost incomprehensible, enigmatic as there'd been times she'd been so close to having that and times it had felt impossible for a girl like her.
But she had that now, didn't she?
And Hera could fully relax around him, trusting that he wouldn't be going anywhere — emotionally, at least. It was because of this she could allow herself to move further with him where otherwise might not have been possible.

"We should go out later, " Hera's brow furrowed, contemplating, "maybe stop by Fred and George's place... I think you'd find it really cool, "

Sirius' eyes widened, "Have you forgotten I'm— "

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