「 comfortably numb 」

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comfortably numb


No one in particular,


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'There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship, smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb'

      Destination, Determination, Deliberation; more like Dogbreath, Dunghead and...

Hera had come to the conclusion apparition simply wasn't for her. She was growing frustrated with her progress — or lack thereof.
Nearly all twelve courses had passed, and though time was going incredibly fast, Hera woke up every Saturday dreading these lessons.

She could do short distances — and probably further if she put her mind to it — that was no problem at all, but the sick feeling she got each time was.
Not to mention she always turned ghostly pale at the mention of splinching, which was a lot lately.

Hera knew the theory behind it very well and had no qualms about passing that part of the test; she just hoped she wouldn't throw up during it.

Easter had come and gone, and Hera was glad for the break from school.
Cedric had insisted on returning home — for what reason Hera did not know, only that he wanted her there as well.

With Rita Skeeter's rambling about Hera and Cedric in the Daily Prophet, Amos Diggory had finally written to his son — and it didn't sound good.

It was no wonder Amos disapproved; after all that had been in the papers, Hera could somewhat understand where he was coming from. Cedric, on the other hand, had been really pissed off because of it, and that was saying something because Cedric never got angry at his Dad.

Avalon returned with a large package of Easter eggs from Mrs Weasley, full of homemade toffee.
Simple though it may be, this had done well at reassuring her that those she knew didn't have a tainted view of her now, and Hera needed that.

Things had never been so perfect as they have these past few weeks; for starters, she had taken Sirius' advice not to burn all her bridges and she and Ange were friends again.

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