「 make you tell the truth 」

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make you tell the truth


No one in particular,


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'You never get nothing by being an angel child
You'd better change your ways and get real wild
I'm gonna tell you something,
I wouldn't tell you a lie
Wild women are the only kind that really get by
'Cause wild women don't worry,
wild women don't have the blues'

         "What happened, Harry?"
Moody asked, at last, lifting Harry and Hera up the stone steps and across the Entrance Hall.

"Cup was a Portkey, " Harry groaned as Moody hastily moved them, probably forgetting that Harry's leg was injured, "Took Cedric and me to a graveyard... and Voldemort was there... Lord Voldemort... "

"The Dark Lord was there? What happened then?" Moody's fascinated tone did not fall silent on Hera's ears, but she supposed after years of fighting Dark Wizards, this knowledge was enough to bring that tone out in anyone.

"Killed Cedric... they killed Cedric... " Harry said heavily.

"And then?" Moody moved them along the corridor.

Harry continued, brushing off Moody's abrupt behaviour, "Made a potion... got his body back... "

"The Dark Lord got his body back? He's returned?"

"And the Death Eaters came... and then we duelled..." Harry shivered at the memory.

"You duelled with the Dark Lord?" Moody sounded far too eager at this.

"Got away... my wand... did something funny... I saw my mum and dad... they came out of his wand... "

So that was what Hera had seen... but how could this be possible?

"In here... in here, and sit down... You'll be all right now... drink this... "

Hera heard a key scrape in a lock and felt a cup being pushed into her hands, and then Harry's.

"Drink it.... you'll feel better... come on, now, Harry, I need to know exactly what happened... "

"What is it?— " Hera frowned, less reluctant to take the drink than Harry. Though it wasn't like he had much choice as Moody was already 'helping' tip the stuff down Harry's throat.

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