「 the darkest secret of your heart 」

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the darkest secret of your heart

[ EARLY MARCH, 96' ]

No one in particular,


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'Rainclouds came and stole my thunder
Left me barren like a desert
But a sunshine girl like you
It's worth going through
I will never be embarrassed about love again
Tortured winds that blew me over
When I start to think that I'm something special
They tell me that I'm not
And they're right and I'm glad that I'm not
I will never be embarrassed about love again'

AN: what do we think Hera smells in Amortentia?

Spring blossomed with a vestige of the winter months of before, all frosted bluebells and thistles as N.E.W.T.s too were drawing nearer.
Even the smartest students in Hera's year were struggling, and the teachers had placed immense strain on them over the past few weeks.
This stress elicited a lot of anger from Hera's year to the fifth as they too were suffering but to a far less degree than was seventh year.

Calming droughts had become quite commonplace despite the exams still being months away. Many had burst into tears during lessons sobbing various things — that they were too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school already.
With the Twins' shop nearly furbished, the prospect seemed all the more achievable for their group of friends.

Hera was somewhat angered that she didn't have one subject she naturally excelled at; she envied that and felt she always had to try hard to be half decent at something. She wasn't big on studying, but who could genuinely say they were? She felt as aimless as she'd been three years ago, only this time there was so much more option, a newfound lust for living.

Maybe she had no direction, but it also felt the consequence of Hera's comfort in life; she was financially literate but had lived beyond her means for most of her life, which confused her on whether or not there was any expectation from anyone to work. Her almost foreign relationship with her parent's money was reflective of her feelings towards their passing — it was one of guilt because of the fact she hadn't earned it, and it was essentially a giant loan that she'd never rid of.

Katie was curling her eyelashes around her wand, examining the effect in the back of her spoon as the rest of the group eyed her lazily. Fred and George had seemingly endless energy as they argued across the table with Hermione, who was attempting to encourage them to try harder at their exams. It was to no avail, of course, but they rarely settled on something this important, and as they had, everyone — their friends at least — were sure they could do it.

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