General went downstairs while I went to Laila's room to tell her that dinner was ready, all she said was 'okay' but it was better than the usual eye rolls and hisses she gave me.

All three of us sat on the dining table a few minutes later with our plates nearly empty.

"My supervisor assigned a project to me today. It's based in Bauchi, so i have to go see the site." I broke the silence. General took what looked like the final bite of his food, he ate so slowly and methodically it almost seemed intentional.

Three minutes later, he turned to me, "we're going tomorrow inshaAllah."

"We?" I couldn't help but ask him.

He totally ignored me. I tried to ignore the burn but I'd gotten a bit used to his words lately, and what would it take from him to say a single 'yes'.

"Rukayya, you are going to stay with Aaliyah at daddy's house while we're gone." Laila said okay and he stood up, took his plate and went to the kitchen. It was actually one of the things I admired about him, he had such wonderful manners. That is if you exclude blatantly ignoring people.

Once we were done eating and the table was cleared, i took the teapot and cup and followed him to the living room. I served him some of the chai and passed it to him, he was working on his laptop it seemed.

He took a sip of it and glanced at me, "did you make this?"

"No, but it's the same recipe."

He continues to type of his laptop for a while before muttering, "tastes different."

"I will make it myself from now on." I told him.

I sat myself on farthest spot of the sofa he was on and contemplated a bit before speaking up, "how long are we staying there?"

He did not look away from his work when he said, "two days, i have work there."

I tentatively nodded before leaving him to his work and going upstairs. I changed into my nightwear, prayed and headed to generals room. The room was empty, i thanked Allah internally and quickly walked to the couch and laid on it. I am not going to let him sleep on this today!

My lips spilled out my duas as my eyes instinctively started to shut, until the sound of the door clicking open brought back my consciousness. I immediately shut my eyes back when i realized it must be my husband.

A few minutes later, his voice was above me, "I heard the door close less than ten minutes ago, i know you're not asleep."

I ignored him and shut my eyes tighter, "Maryaam." His voice almost got me to open my eyes, almost.

His silence, followed by the scent of his cologne so so close pried my eyes open. He was inches away from me, taking my breath and senses away as he moved closer.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked him.

His lips spread a bit, almost into a smile? "Go back to sleep, I'll take you to bed myself."

I sat up abruptly, "No."

His brows raised as a serious look took over his face, "either you move to the bed on your own or i do it for you."

I bit my lips, not liking any of his options. "I don't want you sleeping on here, its very uncomfortable and this is your room."

"And I don't need you playing righteous wife. I am also not into the habit of repeating myself."

"Please." I said as I got up, believing that he actually would not repeat himself.

"I will sleep with you on the bed."

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