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My name is Will graham..And Hannibal lecter is my husband, I don't care what day it is anymore I've lost my sense of time nothing really makes sense anymore anyways...my feelings for Hannibal are extremely intense like a volcano erupting after millions of years. You could even say that me and Hannibal are like Romeo And Juliet exactly like shall I go down the list for you?

• When I met Hannibal it was love at first sight he knew he needed me

• we are going to get married extremely early into our relationship even though it was not be the best time to do that

• "Tragedy."

We are very similar in some cases! Don't you think?

I know we will end in pain with blood and horror but at the same time still with love but I'm not sure how?... I'm still mad at Hannibal slightly if he didn't fall in love with me at first sight we wouldn't be doomed to fail..but oh...I guess all relationships and connections have to come to an end at some point!

"I am rotting"

Besides that is been a week since that whole ordeal at my house ive decided to move in with hannibal in which he agreed for me to bring my dogs over im centrenly happy about that though weve decided that we don't want a huge wedding.

I sat there in the courtroom waiting for hannibal in my red velvet blazer that had black silk on the inside with black pants to match the turtleneck I had on under the blazar, hannibal had to get something from the car which was supposedly a surprise he had for me. Though After a few minutes of sitting there the judge aslo waiting seemingly reviewing papers hannibal came back with two small boxes of course in his red and black suit to match mine as he ran over to me prompting me to get up and make my way to infront of the judge.

"I apologize I misplaced the boxes"

The judge nodded clearly understanding hannibals point as he looked at me and him
Though i didn't say a word.

"I understand it happens to the best of us..now shall we get started?"

I Nodded in reply to his question looking at hannibal who looked happy but slightly uncomfortable just like I did as I grasped his hand, the judges vows that he read to us were a complete blur because all I could think about was hannibal.

"His sweet flesh"

Suddenly the judge turned to me.

"Do you Will Graham take Hannibal lecter to be your husband?"

I watched as hannibal opened the small box inside was a ring, i made a sort of gasping sound as I looked at hannibal i was still too stunned to speak i didn't say anything at frist before i stuttered stumbling over my words.

"Uh-Uh yes! Yes i will- i do i do!"

The hannibal smiled at me slightly as he grasped my hand putting the ring on my finger

"Hannibal lecter do you take will-"

The judge looked at hannibal slightly his eyes widening

"I do ...i apologize im sorry if that was rude i am so very excited though!"

The judge nodded before signing a paper, and i watched as hannibal slipped the ring on his finger, As the judge uttered

"You may kiss your husband"

Suddenly hannibal grabbed me it this kiss felt sharp it hurt but i didn't care like a said all that time ago

"Loveing hannibal is pain becuse thats how he shows love pain"

I pulled away and as soon as it ended he grabbed the paper work in hand with me and ran out happily as I held his hand tightly as to not almost get left behind. I found myself in his car now sitting in the passenger seat looking forward as he got into the car.

"Dont you think we..move a little too fast?"

I utterly to hannibal as he kissed my cheek.

"Not at all...just at the pace Im at .."

I frowned slightly looking at my fingers inspecting the ring which was a simple sleek golden ring though I do heavily suspect it was real gold probably stolen from someone who is going to be dinner tonight.

God i cant do this much longer what have i gotten myself into what day is it?! Where am i?..is this real.....AM I A CANNIBAL?!!

I thought to myself as hannibal began driving which made me realize I loved the taste of his flesh his cooking was nice but hannibal himself just tasted so much sweeter...

"We are alike exactly the same even...I'm a cannibal?"

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