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Hannibal's POV

Its been over Three days since Will graham Showed up to my house unannounced, I let him stay because he was in such distress. But in his place I offered to go with Jack Crawford to recent crime scenes that were discovered over the weekend while I was away. But I am concerned for will after ...the events that took place on the night he came he hasn't been the same, He has expressed to me that he has been haveing more avid hulinations and that his dreams have changed "I know his dreams are about Me".

Me and Jack arrived at a crime scene jack speculated who the killer could be throwing out some suggestions that it could be the "Copycat Killer" or the "Cheapskate ripper".

That's fairly riddclous though. I was at my house all weekend.

Jack assumed this because when we got there clues were scattered about suggesting it could be the Copycat Killer or the cheapskate ripper. The body was mutilated left there in the bed of a love hotel, they're mouth sliced from side to side half of the face was aslo missing includeing the lips and they were handcuffed to the bed. The killer was probably doing something with the person before they did this to them. The person's chest cavity was ripped open revaling They're organs the heart was missing and so we're the lungs but the einsteins were still there but sliced up into pieces and sewed up to create medium and large sized hearts which were placed on the side of the body, the rest of the einsteins we're still inside the body bent together to form some type of heart like you would do a string or a ribbon. And strangely the Person's Genitals were sliced off like the Killer wanted to keep these things as a trophy or a symbol of love like wills past dreams.

"Amour froid ......"

I said to jack as he turned to look at me confused aslo a half disgusted look on his face from the crime scene.

It means Cold Love in French..

He slightly nodded agreeing with me as we both stepped out the hotel room to go speculate some more. Jack was talking a bit as he suddenly became cerious looking at me before asking.

Yaknow Where is Will?.. I just know that he wasent going to be here for the whole week but why is he alright?

Said jack as I slightly chuckled haveing slight flashbacks from Friday before I answered him.

He's too unstable To come in This week he showed up to my house on Friday disoriented but he's alright now I believe , but I still don't think it's safe for him to come in to work this week-

I was interrupted by my phone ringing as I looked down pulling it out of my pocket noticeing that will was calling me?

Oh speak of the Devil !...

I smiled at Jack and he gave me a small smirk back as he watched me pick up the phone gently holding it to my ear.

H- Hello will are you alright over there ?

W- Hannibal...Mhnnn I'm fine... When are you coming back soon it's so incredibly boring here without you....

H- Hehe!.... Soon, I left you some food on the kitchen counter by the way if you haven't already gotten up

W- Oh I have...I saw it ..but...I just couldn't stop thinking about you...I wish you were here ..

I heard heavy breatheing on the other side of the line and some strange noises with that like smacking or someone gripping a steak and hitting it against a kitchen counter over and over again. I suddenly after a few moments of silence realized what will was doing as a coat of thick red blush covered my face. Centrenly Agent Crawford noticed as he gave me this sort of strange look like he was wondering what I was talking about on the phone.

H- ha...uhm.....Yes ...I ..I will be soon..

W- Hurry up for me and...Ha~ Hah..Be a good boy alright?..ngh~

Good grief I thought will has never called me that before but it was centrenly a nice nickname, as I was standing there with the phone in my hand slightly trembling suddenly Biteing my lip really hard drawing a bit of blood as it ran down my chin before muttering.

H- alright...I'll see you later ...

I hung up as fast as I could shoveing my phone back into my pocket as Jack looked at me now very concerned about the blood rolling down my chin before he asked.

You alright there it seems you...bit your lip a little too hard ?..is will alright..

I answered hestaiantly wipeing the blood away from my chin licking a bit of it off my fingers without jack noticeing.

Uhm...he's alright just cold...I left him some warm food ...on my kitchen counter ...though ...we should probably get going...

Jack nodded at my response as we made our way back to the car, my face still completely red and I was defiantly egure to defiantly get home soon.

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