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Happy Holidays!
Hey guys, merry Christmas Eve if you celebrate Christmas.

War is Over but also trouble in paradise

War is Over but also trouble in paradise

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Where was he? I thought to myself. I tried calling him a couple of times, but he never responded. "Okay, thanks so much." My lawyer left the zoom and smiled at me. My heart was so full, and I sighed of relief. I won the case.

But it felt like something was missing. And that was Dane. Again, where was he?

Once I said goodbye to my doctor, I tried to call Dane again. No answer. What the fuck? Then I realized I had one of the teammates wife's numbers. I called Grace and she picked up on the third ring.

"Hey!" she said with enjoyment.

I gulped before answering, "Hey Grace, I'm sorry to bother you, but do you know if Hugo has talked to Dane in the last couple of hours? I'm trying to get a hold of him, but he isn't picking up."

Grace gasps and says, "Oh no, I'll ask him right now." There was some wrestling before Hugo was put on the phone.

"I haven't heard from him. We were all texting in the group chat, but he hasn't responded." He informed me.

"We're coming over right now!" She hung up the phone. I sighed and started to tidy up the house when my phone dinged.

Grace: Where's your house?

I sent her the address.


Fifteen minutes later, Grace showed up to my house with her husband, Hugo.

"Thanks for coming, you didn't have to." I said, while hugging her.

"Stop, that's what friends are for," she said, rubbing her very pregnant belly. I smiled.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" I ask, trying to be a good hostess even though I'm panicking.

"Oh no, don't worry about me!" She guided me towards my couch and sat me down.

"We will find him." She told me, but I don't know how true that was. What if he couldn't handle us anymore? He deserved so much more than me. I don't deserve him.


It's been hours, Grace and Hugo decided to sleep in the guest room, while I sat on the couch waiting, because I couldn't fall asleep. Grace expected me to be in bed, but I just couldn't.

I decided I needed to distract myself, so I opened up my laptop and went onto Instagram. I did some scrolling and stoped at a picture that caught my eye.

What the hell?

It felt like my heart stopped, I couldn't breathe anymore.

(Not what character looks like)

Dane was with a women at the club

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Dane was with a women at the club. What the hell?

I clicked on the girls profile and she was gorgeous. Blonde, tall, perfect ass and boobs. I frowned. Stop comparing yourself to her.

I looked back at the caption.

Last night 🩷

Did he really have travel stuff? I thought to myself. The only reason Hugo was here was because Grace is so close to her due date, Hugo can't travel that far. Hugo would have said something.


"It's okay, that could be fake," Grace tried to calm me down the next morning after I showed her the video.

I nodded, but I didn't believe it. "Thanks for staying, you didn't have to," I said. Grace smiled and hugged me last time before walking to the car Hugo was in.

I waved before shutting the door.

Owen was still asleep, so I decided to cook some breakfast, hoping that it would distract me.

It didn't.

My mind was still on Dane. I just still couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to believe.

A knock interrupted my thoughts. I didn't think much of it, I just thought it was Grace forgetting something. But was I wrong.

I opened the door, the familiar dark hair, sharp jaw, handsome face.

"Dane?" I gasped. Dane stared back at me.

"I'm so sorry... my phone was broken-" I interrupted him.

"Save it. I saw it. It's all over the internet. How could you Dane? I loved you. I still do." I frowned.

Dane raised his eyebrow. "What are you talking about?" he questioned. I scoffed.

"Talk to me. This is all about communication." he said, his voice getting a little louder, showing he was frustrated.

"Don't. My son is sleeping." I said, shutting the door on his face. Once the door shut, my back hit the wall. A sob ran through me. First it was Matt, now it's Dane. It never ends.

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