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Coming Home From the Hospital

Today was the day that I could go home

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Today was the day that I could go home. I was pretty excited, but also nervous. I was excited because I can leave the hospital and sleep in my own bed, but I was nervous because Dane will be staying with us.

"Okay, I have your medications and shit. Do you need help getting dressed?" He asked, scratching the back of his neck. For the past couple of weeks, I have been in the hospital, my mother and sister helped me getting dressed.

"No, I got it." I said, standing up. I grabbed my clothes, which were sweats, and went into the hospital bathroom to change.

My hands untied the tie on the back of my gown, dropping it to the ground. I stared at myself in the mirror, I had light faded bruises, cuts on my face, and I was sore. I hated how ugly I looked and felt.

For the first time in weeks, I couldn't put on a bra because of my broken ribs. But I could put on proper underwear, and not the granny underwear they gave me. I put on my pants, wincing when my arm bent. It wasn't broken, it was fractured, but it still hurt. When it was time to put on my sweatshirt, it hurt like a bitch. I couldn't put it on.

Someone knocked on the bathroom door. "You okay?" Asked Dane.

"Um, I can't put my sweatshirt on, can you go get a nurse?" I yelled out.

"I'll help you, just unlock the door." He said, twisting the door knob.

"Um, I don't have a bra on." I wanted to slap myself, this was so embarrassing. If he doesn't already do enough. Sure, we kissed and slept in the same bed, but we weren't naked. 

"I don't care Ameila, just open the door." He muttered.

"Okay, fine." I said, lightly. I covered my chest with my sweatshirt and opened the door. He was standing there in his jeans, sweatshirt, and wet hair because he just came back from practice.

He started at me, and gulped. "Turn around and put your arms up." He ordered. I took a deep breathe and did as I was told. My breast were on display for him. They probably looked terrible. I had a scar under my one boob because of sergery and my breast were probably soggy because I had a kid and breastfed.

"You're beautiful Ameila, I know what you're thinking, stop." He said. I gave him my sweatshirt and put my arms up. He slid on my sweatshirt then kissed my cheek. I blushed and looked down at the floor, "Thank you." I said.

"All your stuff is in the car and your mom is at the house with Owen. She bought groccies, so were good on food and stocked all your medical products." He said.

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