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Its been a couple of days since Owen's first day back at school

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Its been a couple of days since Owen's first day back at school. I was glad that I got to help take him. Well, Dane did all of the driving and moving. While I just sat in the car, but it still counts.

Today, I was home alone. Dane couldn't stay today, he had a commercial he had to film. He insisted on staying, but I told him I was fine. That is the truth, I am fine.

I can walk now, I'm kinda of glad I get to go back to work next week. I'm tired of doing nothing all day. I do have a doctors appointment today, Dane should be back before.

I grab my book from my night stand and take it downstairs. I made myself a late breakfast and put on a movie for background noise while reading my book.

It was a nice quite afternoon.


"Amelia," Someone shook my body and I groaned.

"Let me sleep." I winced.

"What are you reading?" Someone questioned.

I opened my eyes, Dane was standing above me staring down at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I looked down at my hands. A book with a naked man's chest stood on the front. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just a book." I said.

"What kind of book had a naked person on it? What are you reading, porn?" He asks, chuckling to himself.

"Ugh, there's a story to it." I said.

"What time is it?" I asked. How long was I asleep?

"It's eleven. You hungry?" He asks. I nod my head, even though I ate an hour ago.

"Did you change your bandage?" Dane asked, getting stuff from the fridge. I sat up from the couch and went to the kitchen Island.

"No, I forgot. I was to busy getting Owen up." I said, honestly.

"Okay, let me start cooking and then we can change your bandage." He said, heating up a pan.

"I can do it on my own, Dane." I said, getting up from the chair.

"No, remember what I said." Dane turned around.

"I know, Dane. But I can do it on my own." I said, walking up the stairs.

I walked into my bathroom, getting what I needed before taking my shirt off. Once my shirt was off, I took of my bandage, cleaned my womb, and then replaced it.

"You okay?" Dane asked, startling me.

"Jesus," I said, covering my heart. Then I realized my shirt was off, so I covered myself.

"Dane, I told you I got it." I said. I turned around and put my shirt back on.

"You act like I haven't seen you naked before." He said.

"Okay, doesn't mean you have to see me naked all the time." I rolled my eyes.

"Well, let's eat then go to your appointment." He said, leaving.

I followed him downstairs. Then we ate.

"Okay, please have a seat. The doctor will be with you soon." The nurse said.

"Okay, thanks!" I replied. Dane and I both sat down on the chairs. I opened my purse and grabbed my kindle out.

"What are you reading?" Dane asked.

"None of your business." I said, chuckling. It was already embarrassing for him to see my book I was reading this morning.

"Whatever, I'll just read this sport magazine." Dane said, rolling his eyes.

While we were both reading, the doctor called my name after waiting fifteen minutes.

"Okay, I'm just going to ask you to get undress and into the gown, then the doctor will be right with you." The nurse said.

"Okay, thanks." I replied back. When she closed the door, I started to get undress, leaving my underwear on. Then into the gown.

The door opened, revealing the doctor. "Well, hello, Ms. Faith. How are we doing today?" The doctor asked, signing in on the computer.

"I'm a lot better." I said.

"That's great! So today, we are just going to do an examination." He said.

"Before we start, do you have any questions?" He asked, turning towards Dane and I.

"No questions." I said. Then Dane spoke and I wanted to kill him.

"When is she cleared for sex?" He asked. I through I coughing fit. I quickly grabbed my water and chugged it.

"Well depending on how today goes, I'll let you know by the end." The doctor said. Dane nodded.

"Alright, Ms. Faith. I'm going to have you lay down." He said. I did as he said. He put on gloves, opened up my gown and removed the bandage.

"Wow, this looks amazing. You been doing a great job on cleaning this. You're a doctor yourself, right?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"You're definitely good to go back into work next week. Just make sure to take it slow. Your ribs look like they are healing nicely." The said. He took some cream and rubbed into on my womb.

"Make sure even during the work day you are changing your bandage. This is the stage where it can still get infected." He said, I nodded my head. He put on a new bandage before I closed my gown.

"Okay, let me do one last refill on your prescription. Call me if you are in any pain. This medication is a low dosage than the stuff I prescribed." I nodded my head.

"Okay, about the sex. You are good to go, just no rough sex for about a month." He said, looking at Dane. Dane smirked and nodded his head. I rolled my eyes at his large ego.

"Okay, you guys are good to go. Your medication should be ready." The doctor said goodbye and then left. Once he left, I smacked Dane on the arm.

"Ow, what's that for?" He asked. Holding his arm.

"What makes you think you're getting some?" I asked, getting dressed.

"I don't know. I was just asking to make sure." He grinned.

"Let's go pick up your medicine." He said.

" He said

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