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Sick Child

Sick Child

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I read over our text for the fifteenth time today

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I read over our text for the fifteenth time today. I told her to text me if Owen wanted to hangout, but she hasn't responded to me in over a week; since game day.

I missed our little conversation. I cursed myself for getting attached to her so early. I normally am a fuck off person, but with her, I felt differently.

I might just take another concussion to see her again. Hell, I chop off my finger right now if I have too.

I sighed and put my phone down on the couch, it was my off day. I was bored, I hated sitting around doing nothing. If I say around, bad thoughts would come to me, I couldn't afford doing that to myself. I decided to go for a run.

I put on my running clothes, grabbed my phone and head phones before leaving. I stretched before starting my run. Women and men eyed me as I ran down the street. I ignored them, going back to run.

When I stopped and took a break, I drank my water, stretched more, then sat down on the wall, resting.

I looked around, people were eating, talking with their friends, or studying. I enjoyed the fresh air before continuing my run, going back to my penthouse.

When I got back to my house, I showered, made lunch, then took a nap.

Living alone had its pros and cons. I got to be alone when I needed it. I could be naked, make all the noise I wanted, but I was lonely. I was always lonely, but I felt ten times more lonely when I saw people with their families.

I would be at games and see players younger than me have a girlfriend or even a wife and kids. I wanted that. I was tired of being a single man, I loved it out, and now I was getting older. I was tired of living the single "life".



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