Remembering All In

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Ice skating rink.

'Remember this place?' Deeks asked.

Smiling. 'Course I do! This is where we officially decided to start dating!' Kensi replied. 'Why are we here again?'

'Glad you asked!' Then Deeks pulled out 2 pairs of ice skates. 'What say we try to recreate that magical day, eh?'

They skated in circles for a while, before finally meeting in the very spot that they went 'all in'. Or at least, the spot that looked like the exact spot.

'Wow. Crossing our frozen lake. How about that symbolism, eh?' Deeks asked.

'We just needed to both be brave enough to admit our feelings for one another.' Kensi replied. Then they kissed, and then leaned in a little too far in and they both fell down on the ice.

'That, definitely didn't happen back in 2014!' Deeks chuckled.

'No, but it could've!' Kensi replied, chuckling back.

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