Secret Santa

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'You want me to hide your Secret Santa gift for Kensi, why?' Hetty asked.

'Because 1, I can't hide it around the house, 2, I don't really trust anyone else on the team to hide it.' Deeks replied.

'Well, all right. I know a good hiding place.'

The next day

'You want me to hide your Secret Santa gift for Mr. Deeks, why?' Hetty asked.

'Because I can't hide it around the house and I don't really trust anyone else on the team to hide it.' Kensi replied.

'That's odd. That's the exact same excuse Mr. Deeks gave me.' Hetty thought. 'Is there really no one else you can trust?'

'No. Can you hide it or not?'

The day of the Secret Santa gift reveal

'Soooo Hetty, where's our gifts?' Deeks asked.

'They're right here.' Then Hetty opened a big bag revealing a lot more gifts.

'Uhhhh Hetty, that's a lot of gifts.' Kensi pointed out, confused.

'Oh your gifts are in here, along with everyone else's on the team. Because apparently, no one trusts anyone but me to hide their gifts for these gift exchanges. A couple of gifts is nice, but when it's everyone else on the team, that's a weird and a bit annoying pattern.' Hetty replied, annoyed.

'So you're saying that we shouldn't use you to hide gifts anymore?' Deeks asked.

'A couple of gifts are nice, but this bag got so big it wouldn't fit in my hiding spot! I had to sneak it into a hidden spot in the burn room, which wasn't that easy because of how heavy it got! Am I really the only person who can be trusted with a secret gift?'


'Let me guess, everyone else is either a blabbermouth, or cracks very easily under interrogation?' Hetty asked.

'Kind of.' Deeks awkwardly replied.

'SIGH. Well, here's you and Miss Blye's gifts. And next time, try not to use me for ALL of your gift hiding, because as hard as it is to believe, I DO have limited hiding space!'

Then she walked off with the rest of the presents.

'Well that was really awkward.' Kensi said. Then she opened her present. 'Oooh, I love this band! These CD's are supposed to be really hard to find, how did you find this?'

'Online auction, it was very intense.' Then Deeks opened his gift. 'A For Dummies book? Sweet!'

'I didn't really know what to get you, and you mentioned something once about how you enjoyed those how-to books.'

'Well, thank you very much, Fern!' Then they hugged.

'Merry Christmas, Deeks!'


I thought it'd be really funny if it turned out no one on the team trusted anyone but Hetty to hide their secret presents

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