Time to get decorations

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'Okay. We want to do a lot of Christmas shopping, but it'll take us too long to go from 1 place to the next if we both go. So, how about we divide and conquer? You get the tree and the lights, I'll get the garland and any other good looking decoration that I see?' Deeks asked.

'Fine with me, but you better not complain about the tree I pick out, or the lights. And I hope you don't bring home any tacky looking lawn ornaments. Unlike last year.' Kensi replied.

'Hey, those funny looking reindeer and snowmen were not tacky looking! They may have been different colored, but they were festive looking!'

'Deeks, even the 1 member of the team who grumbles about Christmas the most thought they were ugly. That says a lot!'

'Granger wouldn't know good decorations even if Hetty decorated his whole office!'

'Never the less, please avoid anything that looks tacky. Try to get more normal looking things, kay?' Kensi finished.


Tree lot.

'I don't know. I think a big tree would do.' Kensi said.

'But you don't want it to be too big, or it won't fit in your house.' Nell pointed out.

'True. But I also don't want a small tree either! What do I do?'


'Deeks, really? A reindeer all decked out in lights? That's a real eye sore.' Callen said.

'Okay, Mister Hardly Decorates His House, what would you say isn't an eye sore?' Deeks challenged him.

'I'd probably just go for the inflatable snowman or Santa. Just remember to make sure they can't blow away easily. Wouldn't want those getting into anyone's yards!'

'Okay that's settled. Now then, would red or yellow garland look good for the tree?'

'Oh jeez. We're going to be here a while.' Callen muttered.

At home.

'Okay, I couldn't decide between a big or a small tree. So, I got both a big tree for our living room and a small one for the guest room!' Kensi said. 'And I made sure to get good looking lights that aren't too flashy or weird looking.'

'Okay, that's good! I made sure to get green garland, and some ordinary looking lawn ornaments that aren't too flashy or tacky looking.' Deeks replied. 'With 1 exception.'

The exception being 1 of those reindeer covered in too many lights.

'Okay, sounds reasonable. Let's decorate!'

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