An Unsaintly sight

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1 night, Deeks came home looking like he had seen a ghost.

'I, seriously need to burn my retinas! (cries).'

'What's wrong, sweetie?' Kensi asked.

'Oh Fern, I saw the literal worst thing, it's so much worse then mental images of our bosses sleeping together and getting kissy kissy.'

'Come on, it can't be that bad.'

'I caught my mom and Arkady, kissing!'


'Oh, oh! Yeah, that is bad.' Kensi said.

'It's worse then that. Turns out, they've been seeing each other for a few weeks and never told me.' Deeks replied. 'I mean, what if they actually get married?! I'd be related to him! Can you imagine me being related to someone like him?!'

'Well, Holidays would never be boring, that's for sure! (snickers).'

'How is this funny? If Callen gets married to Anna, then I'll be related to him as well! I'm not sure if I could work with him knowing that we'd be like brothers!'

'That's not what's amusing.'

'Oh right, right. I sound really silly, don't I? Well, Kens, let me tell you, the real possibility of being related to a Russian mobster married to my mom absolutely terrifies me!' Then Deeks walked away.

'They probably won't even last long as a couple! Arkady likes to move between women!' Kensi called out.

They were still together a few months later.

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